3 Easy Ways to Raise Money for Pet Surgery

Dog at the vet
| 5 min read Financial Assistance

Few things blindside us more than the news that a beloved pet suddenly needs serious veterinary care or surgery. In an ideal world, there would be no consideration of cost. But the high price of veterinary care, surgery, and even the average cost of pet insurance can be out of reach for many of us.

The good news is that people successfully raise money for pet surgery and other veterinary care on GoFundMe every day by starting an animal fundraiser. With the help of crowdfunding and additional resources, you’ll be able to spend less time worrying about pet surgery costs and more time focusing on your pet’s health.

Start a fundraiser

How much is pet surgery?

The cost of pet surgery varies by clinic and condition, but the vet visit cost of an emergency surgery averages $1,500 to $5,000. Often, however, those most dependent on pets are least prepared to cover the cost of an expensive surgical procedure. Setting up a fundraiser to cover the cost is something we often see people do for their friends and family, especially for the elderly. Before you create a fundraiser, check out our pet fundraising tips to get help paying for pet surgery.

1. Use online fundraising to get help with pet surgery

A fundraiser on GoFundMe helps provide much-needed care for your pet. It can also offer friends and family a welcome opportunity to give back and show gratitude for years of love and comfort.

GoFundMe offers a wide range of resources to help you run the most effective fundraiser possible. Use these tips to raise money for pet surgery:

Over the years, your pet’s given so much to you and others emotionally (especially if your pet is an official emotional support animal). The best part of crowdfunding is not just the financial support you receive, but the emotional support offered by friends and family as you face this challenge.

2. Host a fundraising event

Along with raising funds online, consider hosting a fundraising event to get help with pet surgery. By bringing together family, friends, and people in your community, they can see firsthand how much you care about your pet and your cause.

One proven fundraising idea is a dog wash. Have friends and family bring dogs by your home, and share the news of your dog wash with their social networks. Set up a kiddie pool full of water, and have some dog shampoo or biodegradable soap on hand. Ask patrons to donate to your GoFundMe fundraiser in lieu of payment. Check out our fundraising event ideas for more inspiration.

3. Get support from one of these 12 organizations

To supplement your crowdfunding fundraiser, we recommend seeking out additional financial assistance from organizations that support animal welfare. Here are some well-regarded organizations that can help with vet bills.

  1. Paws 4 A Cure helps cats and dogs regardless of breed, age, or diagnosis. You might qualify for assistance with vet bills.
  2. The Big Hearts Fund offers help with vet bills and options for veterinary cardiology. If your pet receives a diagnosis of heart disease, Big Hearts wants to help.
  3. Care Cap Plus helps you set up a payment plan if you and your vet sign up. Through Care Cap Plus, patients have payment options without interest or fees and can keep the provider of their choice.
  4. The Pet Fund helps people pay for non-basic, non-urgent veterinary care for chronic conditions, heart disease, and cancer.
  5. Brown Dog Foundation provides financial assistance for sick pets when their owners aren’t able to. These pets are likely to get better with treatment.
  6. Joshua Louis Animal Cancer Foundation focuses on raising money and awareness for animals with cancer. Their funds go toward paying for treatment when pet owners are unable to fund it themselves.
  7. Diabetic Cats in Need offers financial aid for insulin and finds new homes for unwanted cats with diabetes.
  8. Magic Bullet Fund doesn’t give grants but instead helps to raise money for cancer treatment for dogs and cats in the fund.
  9. The Mosby Foundation works to help neglected, sick, and abused dogs. However, they cannot help pay for vet bills you’ve already incurred.
  10. Handicapped Pets Foundation provides disabled, injured, and elderly pets with wheelchairs. If your pet needs a wheelchair after surgery, this is a great resource.
  11. The Onyx & Breezy Foundation funds spay and neuter programs, rescues animals from kill shelters, and much more.
  12. RedRover Relief Urgent Care Grants offer immediate financial help for veterinary care, usually around $250. The program typically responds to applications for aid within 48 hours.

Ready to get help funding your pet’s recovery?

There are many ways to raise money for pet surgery so that your pet can get the operation and care they deserve. If you or someone you know has a pet that needs financial help, you can start a fundraiser to raise money for pet surgery. It’s easy to set up a fundraiser on GoFundMe to help animals in need—launch yours today.

Start a pet fundraiser

Written by Brittany Chambers

I believe we all have the power to make a difference. Through informative and heartfelt content, I hope to create change and inspire others to give back to those who need it most.