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Find company news, announcements, and press resources from GoFundMe and Classy.
GoFundMe is a community-powered fundraising platform committed to making it safe and easy for anyone to give and get help.
GoFundMe is a community-powered fundraising platform dedicated to helping people help each other. Founded in 2010, GoFundMe combines storytelling and fundraising to make it easy for people to ask for help, connect with supporters, and reach their goals. GoFundMe gives people a way to make a meaningful difference for the causes and communities that are most important, urgent, and relevant to them and society.
In 2022, GoFundMe joined together with Classy, a leading nonprofit fundraising software company that enables nonprofits to connect supporters with the causes they care about.
More than $30 billion raised by individuals and nonprofits
fundraisers are started for someone else
30 million people sent or received help on GoFundMe in 2023
donations from 190 countries around the world
A donation is made on GoFundMe every second
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Classy is a giving platform that enables nonprofits to connect supporters with the causes they care about. In 2022, Classy joined GoFundMe to embark on a new era of giving.