Fun and Easy Fundraising Ideas for Kids and Teens

When it comes to coming up with fundraising ideas for kids and teens it is important to think like a kid. Today’s kids and teens have a distinct advantage as they have grown up in a digital age. They can tap the power of crowdfunding as digital natives— they’re connected to almost everyone they’ve ever met. That makes it possible to reach hundreds, if not thousands, of people—all while changing the world for the better.

A new era in fundraising

While bake sales and raffles are great, kids who spotlight their causes through crowdfunding can reach sponsors beyond their local communities while ensuring their personal safety. Most of all, fundraising offers kids and teens a great opportunity to contribute meaningfully to the lives of others. With the help of teachers, family, and friends, kids and teens can:

  • Learn how to craft a story that appeals to potential donors of all ages.
  • Develop social skills by joining or leading a fundraising team.
  • Deepen their sense of A scavenger hunt is a great option for the competitive people among us. To host yours, all you have to do is pick a route or area where you want your hunt to take place. You then need to compile a list of challenges or tasks for your participants to complete along the way. The first team to make it to the finish line wins. Charge people $5 per person to enter and you can even partner with local businesses to provide a prize.compassion for those in need.

24 Fundraising ideas for kids and teens

We have compiled a list of 24 best fundraising ideas, from what to fundraise for to how to raise the funds, we have you covered.

1. Fundraise to fight bullying

Every day, thousands of kids are bullied at school. Young people can take steps to combat bullying by speaking up when they see it happening, encouraging active bystander response, and supporting organizations that promote awareness and training. Kids can also crowdfund to raise money for large-scale solutions, including support for programs that help kids who have been bullied.

2. Finance school supplies or lunches for low-income students

One way to make a direct impact on students in need is through your local school district, or in partnership with a nearby school or district serving low-income students. Children can supplement funds raised in person with an online fundraiser, and ask local businesses to make matching donations.

3. Contribute to international disaster relief efforts

Kids who want to help others could start a disaster relief fund for victims of disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, fires, tsunamis, or tornadoes. Aid organizations that kids and teens commonly raise money for include ActionAid, Oxfam, and Doctors Without Borders. You could also look into raising funds for your international sister city to make a positive impact on a community on the other side of the world.

4. Offer help closer to home

Whether it’s a fire, flood, earthquake, or other disaster that has affected a friend and their family, or a medical emergency that’s resulted in a neighbor suffering, kids can help by setting up a crowdfunding fundraiser. Doing so not only gives them an opportunity to live their values—it also helps them feel that they have the power to help others and make the world a better place.

5. Help save an endangered species

The panda, polar bear, red fox, and tiger are just a few examples of endangered animals whose numbers are dwindling. Children can help save these animals by setting up a fundraiser to support organizations dedicated to saving and rehabilitating threatened species. Find inspiration through nonprofits such as the World Wildlife Fund, the National Geographic Society, and other organizations dedicated to saving animals.

6. Fundraise to fight for social justice

Due to the rise in the number of teenagers with mobile phones, teens these days are more aware of what is going on in the world. Because of this, they may be moved to fundraise for causes relating to political activism or issues surrounding social injustice. There are many groups and charities that work to fight for climate change and justice for marginalized groups. The Clean Air Task Force is a US-based non-governmental organization that has been working to reduce air pollution since its founding in 1996.

7. Raise money for a summer enrichment program

Summer programs are a great opportunity for teens to hone their skills and pursue new interests. Possibilities include programs for students who want to explore interests more deeply, get ahead in school, or pursue academic, artistic, technical, or scientific passions. Another option is raising funds for an education-focused charity or cause the student feels strongly about.

8. Sponsor world travel

Few things are as educational as travel—and crowdfunding can help pay for it. Teens might wish to learn a new language, experience a new culture, or gain an appreciation for a different way of life. Often, students can volunteer abroad in new locations as a way to fully immerse themselves in the culture while forging meaningful connections and relationships.

9. Raise money for summer camp

If you attended camp, you understand how significant the experience can be in a young person’s life. It provides a rare opportunity to unplug, spend time outdoors, and meet peers from outside a teen’s immediate community. Camp can be especially meaningful to teens who struggle with shyness or feel socially isolated at school, and friendships often come easier in the playful, low-pressure atmosphere. GoFundMe is a great resource for families who wouldn’t normally be able to afford camp, or fundraisers who want to give the opportunity to low-income teens. Check out our fundraising ideas for summer camp.

10. Help pay for college tuition

The cost of education continues to rise, with no sign of slowing. High school students focused on paying for college can turn to crowdfunding to help cover tuition and other school costs, including books, travel, and room and board. Crowdfunding helps connect students with people who care about their academic future and want to see them succeed.

11. Support an important humanitarian cause

Countless nonprofits and worthy organizations are currently struggling with funding or need support. Starting a crowdfunding fundraiser for a special cause is an empowering experience that can build a young person’s confidence and create a tangible, positive impact in the community. To find a worthy cause or investigate the effectiveness of a charity you have in mind, check out Charity Navigator.

12. Fund an academic trip or sports tournament

Raise money to fund a trip to a museum, theater, or gallery; pay for an academic or artistic competition; or fund travel to a sports championship or other tournament. Field trips can inspire students to pursue their passions and, in many cases, inform their future careers. Meanwhile, theater, music, or debate competitions, Model UN, journalism conferences, and sports tournaments empower kids and teenagers to prepare to meet a goal and give their all. Through crowdfunding, teens can quickly and easily rally parents and other members of their community to help pay for these life-altering experiences.

13. Organize a pizza party

Name one person who doesn’t like pizza.. we‘ll wait. A Pizza party is a great way to raise funds. Get your friends together and invite them to create their own pizza. If you are feeling up for a challenge you can attempt to make the pizza dough following online instructions. Or, if you are working on a time crunch, you can buy pizza bases from the grocery store. You can provide all the toppings and challenge your friends to make the most delicious pizza. Charge your pals $5 to attend.

14. Host a used book sale

Hosting a used book sale is an excellent way to fundraise and a good way to encourage teenagers to read more. Get started by asking your friends, family, teachers and other members of the community to donate used books. You can advertise the sale through local media, social media, and community bulletin boards to attract a wide audience. Ask your school or local church if you can host your sale there and voila! You are on your way to hosting your first book sale. Make sure you offer affordable prices to encourage purchases and consider having special deals or discounts for bulk buys.

15. Run a gameathon

Leverage your passion for gaming to fundraise effectively by tapping into the gaming community.  Platforms like Twitch and Youtube allow customers to host live streaming events. This means you can organize a gaming marathon and invite people to tune in to watch your progress and encourage you to complete the challenge. During the live stream you can call for viewers to support your cause by donating your crowdfunding fundraiser.

16. Organize a clothes sale

One thing about teenagers is that they have great social lives. Having a buzzing social life means you need something to wear! Hosting a clothes swap is a great way to ensure you have plenty of outfit options and is a sustainable way to expand your wardrobe. Ask your school if you can host a clothes swap in the parking lot or gym and then encourage your classmates and other year groups to attend. In order to attend students must pay $5 and bring at least one item of clothing they want to swap. Throughout the event, participants can browse and take home new-to-them items in exchange for the ones they brought. You could even go one step further and host a fashion show at the end for people to show off their new garms.

17. Host a plant sale

A plant sale can help the environment and raise funds for your cause at the same time. Encourage your classmates and friends to donate plants including flowers, herbs, and succulents. You can then set up the sale in your school or another community space and watch the donations roll in. Another fun element to include in your plant sale could be a competition challenging people to grow the biggest flower or vegetable. People can purchase seeds at the sale and put their name down to enter the competition. You can then encourage people to post photos of their progress on social media and eventually reconvene to judge the best plant and crown a winner.

18. Singing Telegrams

Singing Telegrams are a fun and unique way to raise funds for a cause you care about. Offer to serenade your family and friends for birthdays, graduations, passing exams and any other special occasion you can think of. Customers can order a telegram for a loved one, choosing from a selection of songs or requesting custom messages. You can then perform these telegrams live, either in person or virtually, which is guaranteed to be an unforgettable experience for the recipient! Charge a fee for each singing telegram and watch the donations build up! Make sure to let people know that the money is going towards an important cause and don’t forget to advertise your services on social media.

19. Car Wash

Organizing a car wash is a fun, hands-on activity that can get everyone involved. Get your friends and classmates to volunteer their services for the day and charge $10 to wash the outside of a car and even more if people want the inside of their vehicles cleared up. Host your car wash in a public place and make sure you have good signage to let people know you are there. You can also advertise when and where you plan to have your car wash ahead of time so people can plan to pay you a visit.

20. Wreath making

Wreath making brings some festive fun to fundraising. It’s easy to gather materials for wreath making, all you need is some foliage such as evergreen branches, leaves, holly and ribbons, ornaments, and wreath frames. You can purchase wreath frames online. Host a workshop showing others how to make their wreath and offer biscuits and hot chocolates for people to enjoy while they are taking part. Not sure how to make a wreath? You can do your research online before by watching Youtube tutorials. You can charge people $20 euros each and they will have a beautiful wreath to hang on their door throughout the holiday season.

21. Handmade holiday cards

Creating holiday cards can be a lovely hobby to do yourself or it can be a fun activity to get your friends involved in as well. Advertise that you will be offering personalized holiday cards for a small fee and put your profits towards your chosen cause. You could even ask your school or church if you can sell your creations at any holiday fairs that are coming up in your area.

22. Scavenger hunt

A scavenger hunt is a great option for the competitive people among us. To host yours, all you have to do is pick a route or area where you want your hunt to take place. You then need to compile a list of challenges or tasks for your participants to complete along the way. The first team to make it to the finish line wins. Charge people $5 per person to enter and you can even partner with local businesses to provide a prize.

23. Costume competition

A costume competition is a great excuse to be silly and have some fun with your friends. Start by picking a theme and then encourage people to get their creative juices flowing by coming up with different costume ideas that fit the theme. You can then host a fashion show where people can show off their outfits. At the end of the show you can choose a winner. You could even partner with local businesses to offer prizes and ask some prominent community members to be on the judging panel.

24. Start a Fundraiser

Crowdfunding and social media allow us to communicate with people all over the world and collect donations on a scale never seen before. GoFundMe hopes children use this power to spread compassion and relieve suffering. By encouraging your kids to create an altruistic fundraiser, you’re equipping them with the skills to pass on your values well into the future. Use these fundraising ideas to get started raising money for everything from community initiatives to school programs. If you haven’t already launched your fundraiser, create your fundraiser today.

Safety comes first

Parents can ensure their child has a safe experience on our trusted platform, thanks to our GoFundMe Giving Guarantee and dedicated Trust & Safety team. Some suggestions for helping your child or teen achieve a safe and successful crowdfunding fundraiser are:

  • Let your children or teens create and run fundraisers, but review any content they want to publish like text, images, and videos.
  • Have regular check-in sessions to make sure everything’s running smoothly and determine areas in need of improvement.
  • If a number of kids or teens are involved, help them work together. Praise the accomplishments of the group as a whole.
  • For younger children, an adult should chaperone if the fundraising fundraiser incorporates any offline activities or events.

Note: To create a GoFundMe account, you must be at least 13 years old and have your parent or guardian’s permission.

Ready, set, go make a difference

At GoFundMe, our online fundraising platform makes it easy for young people to drum up support for personal projects or raise funds for friends, family, and causes they care about. If you haven’t already, consider starting your fundraiser today—and incorporate any of the fundraising ideas we shared above. Look to our website for more tips and ideas, or ways to come up with great strategies of your own. With a little adult guidance and encouragement, young people can have a huge impact on their communities and beyond.