Teacher Appreciation Quotes That Will Make You Smile

With so much time spent in the classroom, teachers can make a huge impact on a student’s life. We asked the GoFundMe community to share a memory of a teacher who helped them. Many people chimed in with heartwarming teacher appreciation quotes that will brighten your day. And, if you’re looking to support teachers across the US, consider donating to the education fund.

A music teacher who helped her get the highest rating at a State competition

“My high school music teacher. He taught me how to play the trombone all the way from not even knowing how to play that instrument to getting a 1 rating at state solo competition.”—Jane

A teacher who left a lasting impact on the importance of words and how to use them

“Dear Mr. Grove taught me about the importance of words [a]nd their power to cleanly express thoughts, insights and feelings. He was and continues to be pivotal in … making my way through life. I treasure and miss him, always.” —Carol

A teacher who was there through the most difficult times

“Mr. Backes was my middle school metal shop teacher. I’m 60. He’s still teaching! And he’s still adored by his students! Mr. Backes was there for me in a consistent manner during the period of time when I was grieving my mother’s death, and when I was being bullied quite mercilessly by many students. He’s a big reason why I’m alive today.” —Christine

A teacher who never gave up on her

“Ms. Coble never gave up on me. She helped me understand my work while being patient with me. I was definitely a handful. She taught me to stay positive and set goals and be anything in life I want to be. The support and caring heart she had for me and all her students is inspiring. She is the reason I graduated and did not drop out of school. She deserves all the credit.” —Virginia

A chemistry teacher who offered a helping hand even after high school

“Mrs. Yarosz, high school chemistry teacher. At 16 I quit high school so I could get a job working full time. Family circumstances caused me to leave early. I got my GED, and went [to] Capri School of Hair Design where I got my cosmetology license in NJ. Hated it!! So I decided to go to college. First thing the college professor said was, “Ok students, we are going to take high school chemistry one step further.” OH … I am gonna be [i]n trouble. I went back to my high school, met with Mrs. Yarosz and she took the time after school for a few weeks to teach me high school chemistry and college chemistry. I keep in touch with her and her husband to this day and will be eternally grateful to her for helping me pass!!!” —Jodie

A teacher whose empathy gave her the strength to keep going

“Mrs. Mills, my 5th grade teacher. She was so kind and empathetic and the whole time made you feel that you could do anything. The two greatest teachers in my life were my mother and Mrs. Mills who gave me the strength to persevere even in the hardest of times. Both of these beautiful souls are in their heavenly homes but the strength they gave me remains a top characteristic I have.” —Connie

A teacher who has helped their grandson who is on the autism spectrum

“Ms. Donnow at Hitchcock Primary School in Hitchcock, Texas. We are raising our grandson who is on the spectrum. Couldn’t have done it without her! She’s amazing!” —Ali

A teacher who helped this parent’s son fight leukemia

“My son’s teacher Ms. Lynn supported my kiddo through his battle with leukemia. She was there supporting him with our local PD department as well. From the beginning of his transplant to the end when he rang the bell. She was there, we love her so much for being there through [the] worst for him.” —Geo

A teacher who said they were proud

I had this one teacher at Garden Valley Elementary School. … It was in the middle of the projects and she was my 3[rd] grade teacher. She always had faith in me and every day she would say how proud of me she was. She was my favorite teacher of all time. She even gave me [a] big computer. I would never forget her. I wish I could remember her name. It was at the old Garden Valley Elementary School.” —Julia

A teacher who set the pattern for her goals

“Mrs. Trujillo in New Mexico state, was my 1st grade teacher! She was so inspiring, she promoted me an extra grade, so I went from 1st to 3rd grade! That has always been so precious to me! I actually skipped another grade from 5th to 7th! So I graduated high school 2 years early and continued my education, went on to college and acquired my degrees in Accounting, Taxation and Corporate Law. Had a great career in a prestigious CPA firm in Beverly Hills, California! So Mrs. Trujillo set the pattern for my goals at my tender age of 6! I kept in touch with her throughout the years….when I went to see family in Taos, she was included in my itinerary, during my stays there. I am still thankful to Mrs. Trujillo, who passed away at a ripe age of 85. What a wonderful lady she was! I still love & miss her! May she rest in peace for eternity! (She gave me the ultimate help which continued on during my tenure in my career and even in my personal life!)!!!” —Webbie

Help fund the future of education today

There are so many fond memories each of us has of a favorite teacher. Let’s pay it forward and support teachers today to help them and their students succeed. GoFundMe.Org has created the Education Fund that helps many teachers pay for supplies, programs, and more. A single donation to the Education Fund provides support for multiple teachers. Your donation is covered by the GoFundMe Giving Guarantee which provides a full refund for up to a year in the rare case something isn’t right. Together, we can help teachers and their classrooms achieve academic success and make memories that’ll last a lifetime.