Good in your neighborhood
Help Happens in Cleveland
There’s a whole lot of good happening in your neighborhood. Explore how people like you are showing up to help each other every day in Cleveland.
Good in your neighborhood
There’s a whole lot of good happening in your neighborhood. Explore how people like you are showing up to help each other every day in Cleveland.
total amount raised in 2022 for Ohio-based fundraisers
all-time donations to Ohio-based fundraisers
total fundraisers created in Ohio in 2022
Ohio-based nonprofits supported on GoFundMe
Silka Hilton
Silka is raising money to get this 8th-grade All-Star football team to the FBU National Championship.
These fundraisers have been verified by our Trust and Safety team.
During the summer of 2020, the Watson family purchased an ice cream truck—but they never intended on selling ice cream. Instead, they used the brightly colored turquoise truck to give out free hot lunches and ice cream to kids in their rural, small-town community of Frazeysburg, Ohio.
“I grew up in Frazeysburg,” says Jason Watson, father of the Watson family. “There’s only one stoplight, one place to get groceries. It’s a close-knit community where people step up and help one another.”
More than $50M is raised a week on GoFundMe to support people like you