Help Saleem Shine Shoes Again

| 1 min read | 31 min listen kitchener-sophia-willy-chen

Sophia Chang is the owner of Kitchener Oakland, a commercial kitchen that helps new food businesses get off the ground....

Sophia Chang is the owner of Kitchener Oakland, a commercial kitchen that helps new food businesses get off the ground. One day, Sophia was headed to an event but noticed her boots were looking a little worse for the wear, so she stopped to get a shoe shine. The man running the stand, Saleem, was so happy that she had sat down and their conversation left Sophia feeling so inspired that she wrote a Facebook post about how wonderful he was.

Months later, Sophia heard a terrible story on the news that a cab had crashed into a shoeshine stand at the corner of Sutter and Market. Her fear was quickly confirmed – it was Saleem’s stand, and he had been terribly injured. Although they had only met once before, Sophia felt called to help.

Find out the incredible story on the True Stories of Good People podcast, a GoFundMe Heroes production.

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