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Help us serve our seniors during the pandemic

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Want to join me in making a difference? I'm raising money to benefit Himalayan Elders Project Inc, and any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to me.

Himalayan Elders Project​ pandemic assistance program was initiated on March 15th 2020. For the safety of our seniors, we closed the center on March 5th (two weeks before the Government mandated shutdown). 

1. We created BarkhorTV (continuous video programming on Facebook and Youtube) for our seniors. It also allowed us to transmit our messages more easily.

2. We dedicated the mobile app (Tibetan Radio) for seniors listening.

3. We reached out to Tibetan Nurse Association for support and they obliged. Among others we have coordinated emergency medical calls with them.

4. After the stay-at-home order, we started procuring and delivering Tsampa (roasted barley flour, Tibetan staple food) and other essential items to our seniors. The door-to-door service also helped us check visually if our seniors are well.

5. To minimize health risk to our volunteers, we retained professional packing and delivery services and also utilized taxis and other services to deliver the items.

6. We purchased and utilized a mass text messaging system to reach out to our seniors quickly.

7. We have been conducting wellness calls to every senior we serve.

8. We started Zoom video conference for our seniors also inviting Tibetan musicians and comedians.

9. Partnering with GrowNYC and the United Sherpa Association, we were able to deliver fruits/vegetables/rice etc. to our seniors.

10. We worked with real estate agents and others to find accommodation for affected Tibetans.  We also reached out to the Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs and Mayors office and NYC . Department of Health & Mental Hygiene to provide accommodation assistance. We also sent a similar request to the Tibetan Community of NY and NJ and various Dharma Centers.

11. We are working with various organizations and vendors in procuring hand-sanitizers and masks.

12. We requested and have retained 3 Geshelas (Tibetan Buddhist priests) for last rites for Tibetans affected by COVID-19, if need be. 

We have been able directly serve more than 60 seniors and their families. We are able to indirectly serve or support the Tibetan, Bhutanese and Sherpa community and various Tibetan/Himalayan organizations of New York through networking and advocacy.

So far the expenses were made as an out-of-pocket advance by our volunteers but as the stay-in-home order extends, it is becoming increasingly difficult for us to continue our services financially. At the same time we are not comfortable soliciting donations from community members who are already going through a difficult time. 

In this regard we want to inquire and request you to contribute only if you can.

More information about Himalayan Elders Project Inc: Inspired by the vision of HH the Dalai Lama, the HEP (Himalayan Elders Project) is a community initiative to support, enrich and empower seniors from the Himalayan community in New York. At the HEP we provide time and space to our seniors to gather, practice dharma, socialize, share life experiences, cherish community connectedness and enjoy a renewed sense of independence . Himalayan Elders Project is a 501(c)(3) non-profit tax-exempt organization registered in New York.

TAX DEDUCTIBLE: The funds raised here will be sent directly to Himalayan Elders Project (HEP) through Paypal Giving Fund, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, which will grant the funds to HEP.

PayPal Giving Fund will provide you tax receipts.


  • Norvie Bullock
    • 30 $ 
    • 4 Jahre
  • Diana Rose
    • 3 000 $ (Offline)
    • 4 Jahre
  • Dorjee Wangdu
    • 100 $ (Offline)
    • 4 Jahre


Thupten N Chakrishar
Elmhurst, NY
Himalayan Elders Project Inc

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