Your contribution allows us to protect and serve
Tax deductible
Donations are always appreciated.
Volunteer firefighters must be properly trained and certified. They also must wear appropriate gear when on the scene, which isn’t cheap. According to the CRCVFC, a firefighter’s full gear can cost up to $8,800. To ensure these men and women are fully prepared to serve their communities, this is a cost that cannot be avoided.
While both the federal and state governments provide grants to many nonprofit fire departments, most of these stations are still heavily self-funded. Fundraising now takes up to 60 percent of a volunteer firefighter’s time. The best source of these funds is the local community. That’s the reason for the cash bash, craft show, firemen's fair and the various fundraisers hosted by our local department each year.
Donegal Township, PA
Chestnut Ridge Community Volunteer Fire Company