Save the Hill Fund
Donation protected
Saving the Garaventa Hill from development and preserving the existing habitats of the Endangered California Tiger Salamander, San Joaquin Kit Fox and Threatened Burrowing Owls, to name a few, and Garaventa Hill's rare ecosystem as a nature preserve and open space in perpetuity. For nearly ten years we have stopped the destructive housing project to keep this local landmark and fragile ecosystem free of development. Our community values this beautiful, untouched open-space rolling hill . Our local government initially denied the developer approval in 2011 due to the highly sensitive, unbuildable nature of this site. However, in April 2019 despite valid ecological and environmental impact arguments from the community, the city council voted in approval of this development. We now need your help more than ever to preserve this beautiful and ecologically sensitive habitat.
California experienced unprecedented wildfires in 2020 and over 4,200,000 acres of innumerable special species habitats were destroyed. It's more important than ever to save this extremely rare ecosystem. Please help the environment and donate today.
By Law the City of Livermore had a due diligence to consider a No-Project Alternative to preserve the precious land and that's what this campaign is funding. The Goal is to preserve this special open-space rolling hill! Your Donation helps Save the Hill!
Impacts of Developing the Hills:
Loss of critically endangered species habitat
Loss of upland habitat required for California Tiger Salamanders to live
Loss of flow of upland hydrology and mineral salts into the creek at base of hill that habitats requires
Directly impacts rare alkali sinks; hydrologically connects with Federally and State Protected Preserves and Wetlands
Loss of open space
Loss of undisturbed, natural features
Ecological Impact on existing city preserves/parks
Increased traffic near school and neighborhoods
Pollution/impact on Altamont Creek Elementary School
Increased threat to existing endangered species from raptors (due to increased of high perches- rooftops and trees for predator raptors)
Loss of potential conservation land
The Garaventa Hills sit in northeast Livermore Valley within the city limits. They are part of the Altamont uplands ecology, an indispensable counterpart of the city’s protected alkali habitat--the Garaventa Wetland Preserve and the Springtown Preserve. These currently protected preserves rely on the upland ecosystem of the Garaventa Hills for the annual discharge of fine salts and sediments that create and maintain these unique alkali habitats where rare plants, like our city’s flower (the Livermore Tarplant) cling to existence. Besides being an essential part of an ecosystem that provides for an array of rare and critically endangered plants, the hill provides critical habitat for many endangered and special-status animals such as the California Tiger Salamander, Western Burrowing Owl, and San Joaquin Kit Fox.
Endangered and Special-Status Species living at the Garaventa Hills and in the surrounding alkali habitat:
Plants: Animals:
Long-styled sand-spurrey Western Burrowing Owl
Livermore tarplant CA Red-legged Frog
Palmate-bracted bird’s-beak CA Tiger Salamander
San Joaquin spearscale Vernal Pool Fairy Shrimp
Brittlescale Western Spadefoot Toad
Congdon’s tarplant San Joaquin Kit Fox
Lesser saltscale American Badger
Alkali goldfields Bald Eagle
Please Donate today to this campaign to make an impact. Please Share it with your friends and family on Facebook, email, Twitter, and text message. Each share makes a Real Impact!
Enlisting the aid of local experts
Raising awareness in the community
Working with conservation groups
Creating a presence on social media and in the local press
Taking Legal Action
Help us preserve rare alkali habitat, endangered and threatened species, and a beloved local landmark here in the northeast Livermore Valley!

Saving the Garaventa Hill from development and preserving the existing habitats of the Endangered California Tiger Salamander, San Joaquin Kit Fox and Threatened Burrowing Owls, to name a few, and Garaventa Hill's rare ecosystem as a nature preserve and open space in perpetuity. For nearly ten years we have stopped the destructive housing project to keep this local landmark and fragile ecosystem free of development. Our community values this beautiful, untouched open-space rolling hill . Our local government initially denied the developer approval in 2011 due to the highly sensitive, unbuildable nature of this site. However, in April 2019 despite valid ecological and environmental impact arguments from the community, the city council voted in approval of this development. We now need your help more than ever to preserve this beautiful and ecologically sensitive habitat.
California experienced unprecedented wildfires in 2020 and over 4,200,000 acres of innumerable special species habitats were destroyed. It's more important than ever to save this extremely rare ecosystem. Please help the environment and donate today.
By Law the City of Livermore had a due diligence to consider a No-Project Alternative to preserve the precious land and that's what this campaign is funding. The Goal is to preserve this special open-space rolling hill! Your Donation helps Save the Hill!
Impacts of Developing the Hills:
Loss of critically endangered species habitat
Loss of upland habitat required for California Tiger Salamanders to live
Loss of flow of upland hydrology and mineral salts into the creek at base of hill that habitats requires
Directly impacts rare alkali sinks; hydrologically connects with Federally and State Protected Preserves and Wetlands
Loss of open space
Loss of undisturbed, natural features
Ecological Impact on existing city preserves/parks
Increased traffic near school and neighborhoods
Pollution/impact on Altamont Creek Elementary School
Increased threat to existing endangered species from raptors (due to increased of high perches- rooftops and trees for predator raptors)
Loss of potential conservation land
The Garaventa Hills sit in northeast Livermore Valley within the city limits. They are part of the Altamont uplands ecology, an indispensable counterpart of the city’s protected alkali habitat--the Garaventa Wetland Preserve and the Springtown Preserve. These currently protected preserves rely on the upland ecosystem of the Garaventa Hills for the annual discharge of fine salts and sediments that create and maintain these unique alkali habitats where rare plants, like our city’s flower (the Livermore Tarplant) cling to existence. Besides being an essential part of an ecosystem that provides for an array of rare and critically endangered plants, the hill provides critical habitat for many endangered and special-status animals such as the California Tiger Salamander, Western Burrowing Owl, and San Joaquin Kit Fox.
Endangered and Special-Status Species living at the Garaventa Hills and in the surrounding alkali habitat:
Plants: Animals:
Long-styled sand-spurrey Western Burrowing Owl
Livermore tarplant CA Red-legged Frog
Palmate-bracted bird’s-beak CA Tiger Salamander
San Joaquin spearscale Vernal Pool Fairy Shrimp
Brittlescale Western Spadefoot Toad
Congdon’s tarplant San Joaquin Kit Fox
Lesser saltscale American Badger
Alkali goldfields Bald Eagle
Please Donate today to this campaign to make an impact. Please Share it with your friends and family on Facebook, email, Twitter, and text message. Each share makes a Real Impact!
Enlisting the aid of local experts
Raising awareness in the community
Working with conservation groups
Creating a presence on social media and in the local press
Taking Legal Action
Help us preserve rare alkali habitat, endangered and threatened species, and a beloved local landmark here in the northeast Livermore Valley!

Organizer and beneficiary
Savethe Hill
Livermore, CA
Rachel Doughty @ Greenfire Law