Walt's PJs for Foster Kids Wish!
Update: Walt and Naima are so excited to be working with St. Anthony's Foundation this holiday, to give back to those who need support this holiday season. Check it out here - https://www.gofundme.com/waltnaimawintershelterwish. We appreciate you sharing the campaign, and donating anything you can!
Walt just turned six on January 23rd and for his birthday he asked friends and family for donations of brand new kid-sized pajamas. He will be donating the pajamas to foster children through Sleep Train's program.
Walt's Grammy is a CASA ( court appointed special advocate) that volunteers her time working with foster children and advocating for their rights and best interests. When he learned about the great work she was doing he was proud of her and inspired. He was also sad to hear that there are so many children without forever homes. He wanted to help, but knew he couldn't be a CASA like Grammy, and wasn't sure what to do. One day he heard a commercial on the radio for Sleep Train, the mattress store. In it they asked for donations of pajamas for foster children. Walt began repeating a line from the commercial, "Not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child." He held onto that thought for quite some time.
Last year for his birthday, he asked for diapers, toiletries and socks to donate to a local non-profit Mom used to work at that is close to his heart. His example inspired his sister, Naima to create Giving Bags with friends at her 4th bday party instead of passing out goody bags. Friends put together gallon size bags full of toiletries and snacks and Naima told them to keep them in their cars and give them away to someone in need. This year it was time for Walt to fulfill his wishes for foster kids, and so he asked for pajamas!
His bday festivities have ended and we are excited to have collected 31 sets of pajamas and two pairs of slippers. While Walt is ecstatic, he paused after the counting and said, "but there's so many kids." Inspired by Mom's friend's gofundme campaign to raise money for tents for homeless San Franciscans, Walt knew what to do! He asked Mom to set up the same type of campaign so he could buy more pajamas. His goal is 185 sets of PJs. He will bring them to Sleep Train on the last day of February, and we'll need time to do the shopping. We have estimated about $10 per set, and hope to have raised enough by February 24th to get it all done!
If you are able, please make a donation. Walt and his sister will be doing all the shopping, choosing Pjs for infants to 18 year olds. And if you are so moved, please check out the CASA program. Walt hopes more people will be like his Grammy and give their time and hearts to kids that really need a caring voice in the system. www.californiacasa.org