This is my orphange in Tanzania. They fill my heart with happiness everyday, but it’s also broken for them. These kids are the happiest most loving little people in the world. They have no real chance to excel in life or get out of poverty, because of the circumstances they’ve been born in to, and the orphanages are so poor they can’t send them to school. The stories of why they’ve been orphaned are absolutely horrific and genuinely shook me to the core. (Some girls under 5 being raped and abandoned, some parents killed in front of them) They have no school supplies, no books, no colouring pencils. (They are so smart and really want to learn!)Very little basic things (they share clothes, some have no underwear) ANY donation will help these babies hugely. I can use the money to buy them basic school supplies, necessities for the orphanage (5 kids can share 1 small blanket and bed). Or if I raised enough money I can pick 1 child to sponsor to send to school. Thankyou In advance ♥️