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Help support local sex trafficking survivors

Imposto dedutível
We Are One Inc. is a grassroots anti-human trafficking 501c3 non-profit organization. Our mission is to identify and prevent child and adult sex trafficking right here in CT.

We REBUILD the lives of sex trafficking survivors and at-risk youth by providing essential resources through our “we connect” program. This program determines the specific needs of the client and works with businesses, community members, and existing non-profits to connect clients with necessary essential resources to sustain a healthy and safe lifestyle.

We EDUCATE the public through free media outlets, building wide-scale awareness about the localized problem of sex trafficking. Our media footprint also works to build empathy for those affected by local sex trafficking. We accomplish this by sharing credible mediated information and by participating in community awareness events.

We PREVENT child and female sex trafficking by facilitating educational seminars both in-person and remote. We use an online platform to educate parents on digital media safety for their children. We educate children through free, accessible age-specific active-learning prevention seminars. Our "we connect" program also helps to prevent child trafficking by providing at-risk youth and caregivers with essential resources.

Since the launch of our "We Connect" program in May 2023, we’ve collected and donated over $12,000 worth of essential needs to local Connecticut survivors and at-risk youth.

With YOUR donation we can help reach even more local community members affected by child and adult sex trafficking.


Doações (5)

  • Shawn Sena
    • $20
    • 1 ano
  • Lois Genua
    • $50
    • 1 ano
  • Anônimo
    • $20
    • 1 ano
  • Emily Cortese
    • $50
    • 1 ano
  • Anônimo
    • $20
    • 1 ano


Bonnie Lespier
Meriden, CT
We Are One Inc.

Seu lugar confiável, poderoso e fácil para obter ajuda

  • Fácil

    Doe com rapidez e facilidade

  • Poderoso

    Envie ajuda diretamente às pessoas e causas importantes para você

  • Confiável

    Nossa equipe de Confiança e Proteção trabalha dia e noite para manter nossa comunidade segura