Vehicle Modifications for People with Disabilities
Tax deductible
Support the Transportation Needs of People with Disabilities
You can make a difference by donating today to West Virginia Statewide Independent Living Council (WVSILC)
Established under federal and state legislation, WVSILC functions both independently and as a partner with the West Virginia Independence Network (WIN) and the West Virginia Division Of Rehabilitation Services (WVDRS) to ensure that West Virginians with disabilities have access to Community-Based Resources that promote personal choice and facilitate the achievement of their Independent Living goals.
The WIN has 3 Centers throughout the state; Appalachian Center for Independent Living, Mountain State Center for Independent Living, and LiveAbility (formerly Northern WV Center for Independent Living). The network provides Independent Living Services under the State-funded Community Living Services Program (CLSP).
CLSP assists individuals with disabilities to function more independently in their homes and communities. Funded under the State Plan for Independent Living with State and Federal Independent Living dollars to support West Virginians with Disabilities, CLSP services include:
- Home Modifications for Accessibility
- Assistive Devices and Equipment
- Communication Services
- Durable Medical Equipment
- Vehicle Modifications
Due to the disproportionate number of people with disabilities in WV, the wait to receive services from CLSP is a mind-numbing 3 to 5 years. There are currently 28 people with disabilities on the wait list for accessible vehicle equipment totaling approximately $178,400. This is our goal. Let's clear the wait list and get these people mobile!
Please consider giving to CLSP that will provide the freedom many people with disabilities do not have because they simply have no means of transportation. All monies from this campaign will be used solely for vehicle modifications.
West Virginia Statewide Independent Living Council