Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

The Florrie COVID-19 Fund

For 131 years The Florrie has proudly served our community and the city of Liverpool. As a direct result of the Coronavirus we have had no option but to temporarily close our doors. Despite this, we continue to support the most vulnerable in our community through remote classes to help with social isolation and health and wellbeing, as well as support with personal shopping and other essentials​.

The Florrie is a community led multi use hub. We give people the opportunity to meet new friends, socialise or learn a new skill and The Florrie food-union provides families and individuals with the necessities they so desperately need.

The Florrie is able to provide the majority of these services free of charge from the income we receive for corporate events, fundraisers and weddings, all of which are now cancelled or postponed until further notice, leaving the charity without its sustainable income and an uncertain future.

The Florrie means so much to so many, so we won’t go down without a fight and appeal to bring the good times back to peoples lives once the Coronavirus ban is lifted. This will be a time of celebration for us all.

To help The Florrie in her hour of need we ask you to please donate as little or much as you can in order for us to continue supporting the most vulnerable in our community.

Thank you, please stay safe and well.


Find out more about The Florrie at www.theflorrie.org


  • Brian Stanton
    • £20
    • 2 yrs
  • Chris Griffin
    • £25
    • 3 yrs
  • Anonym
    • £100
    • 3 yrs
  • Anonym
    • £30
    • 3 yrs


The Florrie

Deine einfache, effektive und sichere Anlaufstelle für Hilfe

  • Einfach

    Schnell und einfach spenden

  • Effektiv

    Unterstütze Menschen und Zwecke, die dir am Herzen liegen

  • Sicher

    Unser Team für Schutz und Sicherheit ist rund um die Uhr im Einsatz, um die Sicherheit unserer Community zu gewährleisten.