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Tell Facebook Not to Zuck Up Our Democracy!

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UPDATE: Help us raise $2,500 for a mobile billboard that takes the #ProtestFacebook message literally to the company's front door! We'll drive the billboard past Facebook's Bay Area offices, the houses of its executives, and other locations that brandish Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's name. This action will support the momentum that's been building to pressure Facebook to stop letting lies, hate, racism, and disinformation run rampant on its platform. Hundreds of companies have joined the #StopHateForProfit advertisers boycott of Facebook, and a new civil rights audit calls Facebook's policy decisions a "setback to civil rights." Facebook employees held a virtual walk out. Even Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are demanding change. Join us to tell Facebook enough is enough!

We want to take advantage of the growing boycott and get this billboard on the road before the boycott comes to a close at the end of July. Please, donate today! 

Don't Let Facebook ZUCK UP Our Democracy

Lies about COVID-19 have spread like wildfire across Facebook, despite CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s promises that his company would protect the public from lies that could risk people’s lives. This pattern is destined to repeat itself during the 2020 election in the US, risking our democracy.

That’s why we need to act now.

It’s too dangerous for one company to have the unprecedented power to decide what news and information billions of people around the world see every day. The decision by Facebook to let politicians blatantly lie in their political ads is just the latest of Zuckerberg’s failure to exercise this power responsibly.

In response to Twitter’s decision to fact-check Trump’s Tweets about Mail-In Ballots, Zuckerberg told Fox News, “We have a different policy, I think, than Twitter on this".  Facebook’s willingness to allow blatant lies, is putting our democracy at risk.

We’re taking on Facebook in its own backyard and building a movement that hits the company online, in the streets, and in the media. Our campaign is already putting Facebook on notice. Our protests have received nationwide media attention—from CNET to Newsweek to CNBC. And we’re making new allies every day.

But we’re just getting started!

With your help, we can:

Turn up the heat on Facebook executives, board members, and investors that are based in Silicon Valley and the broader San Francisco Bay Area.

Encourage Facebook employees—many of whom are our neighbors and friends—to join our efforts or blow the whistle on Facebook practices the public should know about.

Join forces with national efforts to hold Facebook accountable for its reckless privacy practices, its monopolistic power, and its failure to curb hate speech and abusive behavior.

Put Facebook’s irresponsible policy decisions in the news on a regular basis by organizing protests and creative actions in Silicon Valley and beyond.

Our democracy is more important than Facebook’s profits. 

Please join San Francisco Bay Area pro-democracy and media accountability organizations (Global Exchange and the Media Alliance) to jumpstart a nationwide, grassroots coalition to push back against this multi-billion-dollar tech behemoth.

The first phase of our campaign will be to pressure Facebook to refuse political ads that lie, stop selling political ad microtargeting, and deny service to anyone seeking to disrupt the 2020 election. With your support, we won’t let up until Facebook implements common sense protections for our irreplaceable democracy.

Down the road, we’ll need to push for more reforms to protect democracy and civil society--in the US and around the globe. We can’t afford another privacy breach like the Cambridge Analytica-Facebook data scandal; another episode of large-scale communal violence like the one Facebook facilitated in Myanmar; or another election interference and voter suppression campaign by bad actors. 

We need you with us. We know this won't be easy. Facebook is a multibillion-dollar behemoth, with near monopoly power and deep pockets. Can you make a donation today to help support this important campaign? With your help we’re planning to expand our efforts right now.

Please join us to safeguard our democracy—make a contribution today. 

Learn more at our website www.protestfacebook.org.

**donations do not immediately show -- please don't make multiple donations (unless of course you intend to make multiple donations!)


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    • 60 $ 
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  • Ken Brucker
    • 30 $ 
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Corey Hill
San Francisco, CA
Global Exchange

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