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Teaching Tech Skills to Kids in Need

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The Next Generation Project

GOAL:   Change the lives of kids who don't think they have a future by providing them with an opportunity to turn their lives around.   

Many of the kids this project is designed to help have lost their homes and are living on the streets and just need to catch a break and get some direction, skills, and encouragement.   

Your donation will help us provide kids who have an interest in a career in creative with a device, sponsorship, and a workshop where they learn how they can develop their own income streams using just the device and skills we provide them.  

I will be funding this effort through the sale of my own NFT artwork and your donations will augment these funds and allow us to change kids lives.  If you would like to help fund this project and invest in NFT Art you can purchase one of my auctions and request that 100% of the funds go to The Next Generation Project.   You will be investing in NFT Art and your money will go to help these kids find a new future.

To fund through the purchase of NFT Art you can find the auctions listed on my website:


Here you will find links to all live art auctions.

In addition to social media, photography and video skills we will be walking all of the kids through creating professional media and then minting their creation, listing it for auction as NFT Art, and promoting their auction through social media.   Some kids will immediately make money while others will learn that they have to work a little harder but they still have a bright future.

Every day, 13 at-risk youth will die due to assault, illness, or suicide trying to survive on the streets.   These kids can turn their lives around when given any opportunity.  

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.   Other organizations are set up to provide a "fish" for the day.   

Our mission is to teach these kids how to earn an income using just a cell phone with the skills we will teach them.   I know this sounds crazy but it is possible and even if all the kids are not able to develop a full-time income stream the skills they will develop will set them on a course with a bright future.  The skills we will be teaching them are in demand by every single brand I work with as a photographer.  

Donations will help us provide a device such as an iPad and a 4-day workshop that will teach these kids they have value and are worthy of success.   Many will develop their own income stream using their device and social media.   While others will have to work harder but with persistence will find many opportunities.

There has never been more opportunity for the current generation to develop various income streams using just a cell phone. Social media management, media creation, paid brand ambassadors, Influencers, NFT Artists, Content Creators, You-Tube Channels, and many more income streams can all be developed using just a cell phone, dedication, skills, and some guidance.  The Next Generation Project aims to do these things.

I was fortunate enough to be part of a workshop held by Hetrick Martin called The Man in the City. We spoke to the kids about our experiences coming to New York and finding our careers in the creative industry during the workshop. Many of these kids had been put down their entire lives and just needed to hear that they were worthy of success and could find it if they worked hard enough. With just a little guidance, we were able to change the course of many kids' lives.  I know this because a few of these kids turned their lives around and are now successful full-time artists.

With just a little encouragement, a device of their own, and an overview of the skillsets they will need to develop, we can set these kids on a path to success.

4 Day Workshop Topics that will be covered:

  Social Media as a career
  Working with Brands as an Influencer, Content Creator or Ambassador
  How to develop income streams using just your cell phone and time
  Creating professional photography and videos using a cell phone
  How to set up a Metamask Wallet
  Donations will fund kids wallets to cover initial startup fees with NFT Art
  How to Mint and Auction Digital NFT Artwork
  How to promote your NFT Artwork using Social Media


I am one of the top fashion and beauty photographers based out of New York.   A few years ago I wanted to do more than just photography so I started The Atfluence Agency, a digital agency that develops top luxury brands through innovative media and leveraging Influencers who align with the brand.   While The Atfluence Agency brand is relatively new what we do is not.  We have been working with the top luxury brands for over 20 years now.    Brands like Bergdorf Goodman, Chanel, L" Oreal, Scent Beauty, BVLGARI, YSL, etc.

I have a Masters in Business Degree and an Undergraduate degree in Marketing and Fine Art.   I have been working independently since I was about 24 and successful for most of the 20+ years I have been working independently. 


Doug Hill who is my partner with The Atfluence Agency and my partner in life is also a highly successful creative branding expert.  He also has a Masters In Business and up until we began working together he had an incredibly successful corporate career.    He left the corporate world over 10 years ago and came to work with me to develop what is now The Atfluence Agency.


THE ATFLUENCE AGENCY.   www.atfluence.com
The Atfluence Agency is the agency we have been building for over 20 years and was functioning with both James and Doug as Moritz and Company with great success for over 10 years.   Atfluence will provide up to two paid internships to the students who want to pursue a career in social media management.   

We will have various guest speakers who have made their own fortune using just a cell phone and laptop come in and speak to the kids. Our goal is to cover a broad range of topics so that every kid in the classroom will have multiple opportunities going forward. The kids will learn everything they need to know to get started and be provided with all the free resources to continue their training using the device we provide them.   

We couldn't possibly teach everything these kids need to know to have a flourishing career but in a 4-day workshop, we can cover the basics and show the kids where they can learn the rest online.   

Opportunity in the NFT Art Market
During the workshop, we will help each kid get setup a MetaMask Wallet and provide the initial funds to mint and auction their own NFT Artwork. We will also show them how to promote their auctions through social media so that they know how to make money through NFT Artwork.

If you are not familiar with NFT Art it is worth reading about. Essentially NFT Art uses the technology of Bitcoin, where artists can mint digital works of art and then sell them on a variety of open markets using social media to create interest and attract collectors and investors. NFT Art allows anyone with a cell phone and some basic skills to start earning money if they are willing to put in consistent time and energy.

Beepole just set a world record price selling just one piece of NFT Art through Christie's for a record 69 million dollars!   

For more info about NFT Art click on the link:


The Next Generation Project will teach kids who need help the most how to make the most of their youth and time and develop income streams and a very bright future.


James Moritz
New York, NY

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