Support art classes for treasure beach and local districts.
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ART from the HEART was born directly after we in Treasure Beach were hammered by Hurricane Beryl on July 3rd, 2024. Most every home was affected, people losing their homes, roofs, and so much more. Despair and stress levels were really high.. Being a Montessori pre-school teacher, I thought about the kids. They needed something to give them some joy...I decided to offer the children free art classes three times a week in my beloved home treasure beach.I wanted to see them have some fun amidst all the devastation. I had the kids paint up signs..BUILDING BACK WITH LOVE..and i put them up around the community..Little did I know it would build so much spirit in the kids and the residents of Treasure Beach. Not only uplift spirit, but also built pride in the kids because it was THEIR artwork on display..
It's been a great upliftment to all of us ..
I will continue this program in treasure beach and in the public schools. There are no art programs in the public schools.. i believe giving kids a means to be creative and express themselves brings them happiness and a sense of pride..it also can really show us some talenred kids.
My goal is to have as many children in jamaica paint a picture !
With your help..with your contribution..I can achieve my goal.. .
Thankyou from me and all the children this will benefit.
One love
Saint James City, FL