Support AfriKin Foundation
Tax deductible
Please consider making a gift to the 501(c)3 nonprofit organization AfriKin today. This allows us to forge new partnerships and services to our community and visitors.
You can become a sustaining member of AfriKin with a monthly donation of any amount, which will be automatically deducted each month after making the initial payment. Contributions each month will allow AfriKin to continue to bring you the quality programming you have become accustomed to.
Your donations are tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. You will receive an email donation receipt as your official record for tax purposes.
AfriKin seeks to continue to address the community’s most immediate needs. Our activations seek to take a moment to focus on what a harmonious and peaceful existence within neighborhoods can be like and how it can be experienced together for encouragement through the arts and positive cultural influences.
Worldwide, there is a reevaluation, and for some a discovery, of the concepts of self-determination and self-reliance. There is a yearning to see the value of each member of the global family -- how remarkable and wonderful a human life truly is and how necessary and worthwhile supporting each other has become within communities.
Our workshops are designed to not only provide the high quality that educated consumers are used to but demonstrate to everyone how high quality is a bridge to excellence. Action is far more effective than simply discussing a topic. We intend to market to those heavily involved in community organization and engagement as well as residents who are increasingly showing how much they care about their culture, heritage, and neighborhoods.
In 2022, we plan to produce multiple workshops and related activations to more finely hone in on the need for safe neighborhoods to curb all violence, but especially gun violence. Taking a page from Harlem’s famed bookstores where community focused talks were hosted, we seek to bring academic luminaries, artists, and chefs to the AfriKin space to engage, educate, inspire, and help heal neighborhoods traumatized by violence.
AfriKin needs your help to reach the most vulnerable in our community, give your gift of love and support and invest in those that need it most.
At AfriKin, we are all about cultivating a welcoming community and producing cutting-edge experiences. Needless to say, keeping the work going and accessible to the masses, producing content, running day-to-day operations, and producing events is a true labor of love. As an effort to cover these expenses, we appreciate any donation you can offer so that we can continue to advance the ingenuity and promise of humanity.
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact us at [email redacted]. As always thank you for the support.
Recognition through AfriKin, acknowledgment documentation, and other benefits are available for individuals, institutions and organizations who provide support through tax-deductible donations and sponsorships.
This is a difficult time in the midst of the current global health crises as regards raising the funds necessary to keep arts organizations in a position to continue progressing forward. Without the ability to have larger groups of patrons gathered to reach support goals that account for much of a yearly budget, production of fundraising and programming experiences is a complex proposition.
That being the case, the time is now for reaching out during this unprecedented time in world history where those of us in the arts, broadcasting, education, entertainment, hospitality, retail and other associated industries have undertaken the process of redefining and reformulating our concepts of community and content creation.
Please take time to lend your support toward the efforts being put forth by AfriKin through donations and/or the purchasing of merchandise from the AfriKin Store where you can find featured items that promote happiness and positivity. In addition, there are publications available for pre-order including The Infinite Colors of AfriKin adult coloring books (suitable for teens and adults) as well as the crafted Journals on the AfriKin Marketplace (
Thank you very much for your attention -- AfriKin continues... we send you peace and heartfelt love in asking you to please take care, stay safe and well.
In 2022, we plan to produce multiple workshops and related activations to more finely hone in on the need for safe neighborhoods to curb all violence, but especially gun violence. Taking a page from Harlem’s famed bookstores where community focused talks were hosted, we seek to bring academic luminaries, artists, and chefs to the AfriKin space to engage, educate, inspire, and help heal neighborhoods traumatized by violence.
AfriKin needs your help to reach the most vulnerable in our community, give your gift of love and support and invest in those that need it most.
At AfriKin, we are all about cultivating a welcoming community and producing cutting-edge experiences. Needless to say, keeping the work going and accessible to the masses, producing content, running day-to-day operations, and producing events is a true labor of love. As an effort to cover these expenses, we appreciate any donation you can offer so that we can continue to advance the ingenuity and promise of humanity.
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact us at [email redacted]. As always thank you for the support.
Recognition through AfriKin, acknowledgment documentation, and other benefits are available for individuals, institutions and organizations who provide support through tax-deductible donations and sponsorships.
This is a difficult time in the midst of the current global health crises as regards raising the funds necessary to keep arts organizations in a position to continue progressing forward. Without the ability to have larger groups of patrons gathered to reach support goals that account for much of a yearly budget, production of fundraising and programming experiences is a complex proposition.
That being the case, the time is now for reaching out during this unprecedented time in world history where those of us in the arts, broadcasting, education, entertainment, hospitality, retail and other associated industries have undertaken the process of redefining and reformulating our concepts of community and content creation.
Please take time to lend your support toward the efforts being put forth by AfriKin through donations and/or the purchasing of merchandise from the AfriKin Store where you can find featured items that promote happiness and positivity. In addition, there are publications available for pre-order including The Infinite Colors of AfriKin adult coloring books (suitable for teens and adults) as well as the crafted Journals on the AfriKin Marketplace (
Thank you very much for your attention -- AfriKin continues... we send you peace and heartfelt love in asking you to please take care, stay safe and well.
Alfonso Brooks
West Palm Beach, FL
Afrikin Foundation Inc