#Smile-A-Thon Online Fundraising
Imagine receiving candy from random people in your community to create smiles!
An act of kindness, no matter how small, can have such a powerful ripple-effect on others. When people are treated with kindness, they will often convey that same kindness towards others and before you know it, you've impacted quite a few people.
I believe that we can CHANGE THE WORLD one smile at a time! A Smile is Contagious!
Over 57% of people say that a smile from a stranger makes them smile more and uplifts their mood.
Spring Project: 3C Smile-A-Thon Online Fundraiser!
Hi, I am Neal. I am part of the Creative Children for Charity team and we are hosting the 3C Smile-A-Thon Online FundraiserEvent!
Our goal for this project is to help us host the Youth Acton Business Fair on August 31st.
The Children’s Business Fair is the largest entrepreneurship event for kids in North America. We are organizing and hosting Washington State's annual Acton Children's Business Fair, and we are very excited to bring this opportunity to the youth in our communities! The goal of this event is to provide a platform for our youth community ages 6-18 to become entrepreneurs for a day. Our youth business ventures support social causes by donating a portion if not all of their profits. Learn more about our upcoming Acton Business Fair.
King 5 video to get an idea of this event.
Can you help me create smiles this spring & summer season?
We need your donation to help us purchase candies, packaging supplies, and an inspirational message to include in a smile box.
Each smile box costs us $10 to make.
Can I count on you to contribute $5, $10, $25, $50, $100 or more to help us make this project happen?
This will be a fun time to laugh, create a small, lovely gift, and share the joy in our community!
Please join our campaign to make a difference.