Photo principale de la collecte de fonds

Knoxville Service Industry Relief Fund

Don protégé

As the restaurants, hotels, and bars of downtown Knoxville close their doors to address risks posed by COVID-19, many members of our service industry community will face hardship through loss of income, often coupled with lack of paid sick leave, health insurance, and sufficient savings.

Many community members have been concerned about the impact of COVID-19 on businesses in downtown Knoxville. The health of any business depends on its workers. We are organizing this mutual aid fund to help alleviate the vulnerability of a community that has been the backbone of downtown Knoxville's culture, economy, and livelihood.

We will be sending donations directly to service industry professionals (including restaurant/bar/hotel/event/venue staff, retail staff, rideshare drivers, health/wellness service providers, etc) who are in emergency need of assistance based on a relief request list - if you are a member of the service industry community in need, you can complete the relief request form here so that we can help however we are able to. This form is open to anyone affected by COVID-19 work reductions, including those employed under-the-table.

How the fund works:

This fund is a mutual aid fund, meaning we give each other direct support while resisting control dynamics and hierarchies, so that 100% of donations received can be distributed as quickly, thoroughly, and indiscriminately as possible. This fund is not organized by a private foundation, charity, or registered nonprofit organization, but by a group of friends who wanted to build a community that cares for one another. 

Our campaign is designated as a Daily Withdrawal Fund, which means the amount received each day is deposited directly into our personal account within 2-5 days. We will then withdraw the funds from our personal account and immediately distribute them to individuals via Paypal or Venmo. Presently, we are sending $50-100 to each request, in the order that they were received.

This is an ongoing fund, and we encourage regular patrons of downtown Knoxville businesses to consider making a regular weekly contribution in the amount they would typically tip on hospitality services in that week.


This fund is organized by a group of friends who are also downtown Knoxville service industry workers and supporters. We wanted to empower our community to come together and help each other out. 

Special Thanks:

We want to extend special thanks and recognition to these additional groups and individuals who have independently raised money to contribute to our relief fund outside of GoFundMe. 

Riot Printing Co: $2036
Lyndsey Sharpe: $548
Evie Andrus: $267
Ramen Bones: $500
865 Candle Company: $3000
Knoxville Feminist Action Brigade: $100
Asian Culture Center of TN: $1300
Jobs With Justice of East TN: $1000
Gezellig Records: $60
Real Good Kitchen: $554.65
f32 Photo: $483.32
Additional Individuals: $3,827.68

 Garantie des dons GoFundMe

Cette campagne indique la possibilité de faire des dons par le bais d'une autre plateforme, mais attention : seuls les dons effectués sur GoFundMe sont protégés par la garantie de don GoFundMe.


  • Anonyme
    • 25 $ 
    • 4 ans


Service Industry Coalition Knoxville
Knoxville, TN

Votre plateforme d'entraide à la fois conviviale, efficace et sécurisée

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    Votre don est protégé par la garantie des dons GoFundMe