Shane Wells Accident Recovery Fund
Donation protected
Hi, My name is Alex. This fundraiser is for my father Shane Wells and for those of you who have not heard about what transpired, On December 20, 2022 my father's car had broken down on White Pole Road going to Stuart from Menlo. He was able to pull off of the roadway and park on the shoulder and wait for his mother, Marnie, to come and help jump-start his car. Shane was between the two cars with both hoods up getting ready to jump-start his car when a truck rear-ended his vehicle pinning him at the legs between his vehicle and his mother Marnie's. He had to be life flighted to the Emergency Room. He suffered Right and Left ankle fractures, a fracture below the Right knee, and another above the Left ankle. He also suffered severe tissue and muscle damage which will require multiple surgeries to fix along with skin grafting surgeries to repair the damaged areas. As of 12/28/2022 it is still in the plans for him to be in the hospital for 2-3 more weeks along with a handful more surgeries and following with rehabilitation. Shane and family would greatly appreciate the support of anyone willing to help us out in this time of need.
Alex Wells
Stuart, IA