Hoofdafbeelding inzamelingsactie

Art For All

Beschermde donatie

We are W.Ave Arts and we bring free, publicly accessible art to the community. 

We have more projects in the pipeline that we continuously have to raise money for. Every penny raised goes towards projects and supporting artists. Passion not profit. In making Bexhill and surrounding communities a better place. 

We hit our target for our project that will start in July and the money raised to £825.00 will go towards that: 

This project has been in the making for over a year. Unfortunately in these unprecedented times, funding has taken a hit, but we are committed to making this project happen with the help of the community!

We need your help Bexhill to raise £2500 to make this project happen at Glyne Gap Bridge next to Oceanside Cafe,  we are hoping that your donations, no matter how small will help us reach our target so we can book this in for the summer. 

Let's transform this space!

Did you know that community groups such as Sustrans, Bexhill Wheelers and Bexhill Environmental Group have been planting, litter picking and painting the structure which has been tagged on a monthly basis for the last 5 years.
They take pride in their town and we would like to thank each and every volunteer for continuing to do this without asking for any thanks or recognition for their hardwork. Well, now its our turn to contribute.

Network Rail has given W.Ave Arts permission to paint their wall as they recognise the importance of how art can impact the community and is onboard with our vision of  transforming  our surroundings for the better.
From the brief, artist Luke Brabants has created an amazing design in recognition Sammy the seal and other seal life that have been visiting Bexhill for some time now. 

It will also be a new addition for any cyclists passing through the Coastal Culture Trail.

We know by working together we can achieve this goal.
If we exceed our target then each and every additional penny will be put back into further local projects in Bexhill.

We are very grateful to our current sponsors:

Brewers Bexhill - who will be supplying all the materials to paint the wall
Elite OS Scalfolding - who will be supplying the scaffolding 

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W.Ave Arts

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