Save Ironworks
This is a plea to all members, friends and the Ironworks family. As we all know there is another lockdown due. Ironworks is a second home/sanctuary whatever you want to call it for hundreds of people and now needs our help. Darren and his family bore the brunt of the financial burden during the last lockdown and only just kept it afloat. Now it’s time for everyone that uses this fantastic place to step in and ease that burden if they possibly can. Even buying supplements and items from the clothing range. Without this gym a lot of people will be far worse off physically and mentally. Remember how we all felt during the last lockdown!!!!!!
so please if you can donate towards the rent and upkeep if you can as well as keeping up your membership. It’s a lot to ask but every poundwill really count towards keeping the great place open. A very big thank you to everyone. Although the target has been set at £1000 the cost of keeping the place open is £3000 PER MONTH so the more donations the better even if it’s only a couple of quid. A couple of pounds from every one of us for the next month or two would ensure the best possible result for all of us!