Conny Fundraiser update as of April 2023:
Thank you to all of you who donated to the Save Conny fund!
As you can see, we are far from our goal. The original plan was to move the entire whale – a 20-ton ferro-cement life-size model of a sperm whale. After much work and
consideration, we have determined that we will be unable to continue with
the original plan.
So, we got creative! We will save the spirit of Conny! By removing the tail and
installing it in a park, Conny will live on to freely swim and explore the oceans.
Pending approval of permits, we will install the tail in Greenway Park in West
Hartford, across the street from its current location. Continental Properties,
the new owners of the former Children’s Museum property, will cover all costs to remove and transport Conny’s tail to the West Hartford Public Works
storage where it will remain until the permits are approved.
We also have a full 3D digital scan of Conny, and will use this to create an
educational app that will “reveal” the rest of Conny under the surface.
You can be assured that your donations will continue to go toward preserving
Conny, including the application, installation and ongoing maintenance for his
new home. We all hoped to move the full whale but this is a great plan B to
keep the spirit of Conny alive. If this new plan, which is a more feasible
approach, is not aligned with your wishes, you can ask for your donation to be
We will continue our fundraising efforts, because we will need additional funds
for the new plan.
Again, We are so very grateful to all of you!!
Cetacean Society International (CSI) is an all-volunteer, non-profit conservation, educational and research organization to benefit whales, dolphins, porpoises, and the marine environment.
Cetacean Society International
West Hartford, CT
Cetacean Society International, Incorporated (Csi)