Road Rage Awareness and Prevention
Recently my young son who is a new driver pointed out in his sweet way that I, Mom could work on my road rage and how I should become a friend to the roads, a road friend. It was a learning moment for myself, and I have since contemplated on being a better parent and citizen and how we as a family can give back. Road rage is more out of control than ever. People are more stressed than ever on the highways and
road violence is in the news daily. Our goal is raising funds to host public awareness campaigns reminding drivers to share the road and
drive with kindness. Let’s all Be a Road Friend. Education is key - we will share with the community road rage facts and statistics with
videos and self-help tips on our website. Local community campaigns will include billboards and flyers, bumper stickers displaying simple
reminders to drivers on the road. Altogether we can #BeARoadFriend!!