Resource Orientation for Stroke & Aphasia (ROSA)
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Want to join us in making a difference? We're raising money to benefit the Aphasia Resource Collaboration Hub (ARCH), and any donation will help make an impact. ARCH was created for people with aphasia to learn about resources that can benefit them. What is Aphasia? Aphasia is a language or communication disorder that can happen after a stroke. People with aphasia can have difficulty understanding or saying words even though their intellect remains intact. ARCH was established in 2020 and is now a non-profit organization made up of a network of researchers, clinicians, and support groups who aim to increase awareness about what aphasia is and to connect people with aphasia to services that are available to them. ARCH wants to minimize the struggles people with aphasia face while trying to navigate life after a stroke. We believe access to treatment, social support services, conversation groups, university clinics with free or low-cost options for therapy, and research opportunities should be common knowledge among clinicians, people with aphasia, and their significant others.
We are putting on a conference October 14, 2023 called Resource Orientation for Stroke & Aphasia (ROSA) and it will help people with aphasia, their care partners, clinicians, and aphasia researchers learn about resources available in the community.
Visit our website at aphasiaresource.org. Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much.
Aphasia Resource Collaboration Hub
Philadelphia, PA
Aphasia Resource Collaboration Hub ARCH