My Daughter has Pulmonary Hemosiderosis. Along with chronic lung disease, she's a very loving 2 year old girl that came into the world at 26 weeks. Earlier this year she was on a form of Life Support called Ecmo, she was on this machine for 3 weeks. Pulmonary Hemosiderosis is a lung issue where you bleed eternal inside your lungs therefore you loose oxygen to the body. We moved back to Miami 2 months ago but since we move she has encounter 3 episodes where she was hospitalized. Thinking the weather will make a difference with her condition. Serenity loves her sister Selebrity,but Selebrity goes to school. And at school there's viruses so its forcing us to take Selebrity out of school to protect her sister from getting sick, because the slightest cold that me and you can handle will cause Serenity to bleed in her lungs. My wife and I at apoint where we keep getting the same answers, Serenity have had multiple blood transfusion but her blood count keeps dropping, not sustaining her count the Doctors trying different methods using steroids. After Life support her steroids treatment usually a month before another bleeding occur. Recent she been bleeding ever other week, praying to all gods for a cure or solution theres none presented itself so far. My baby girl is a fighter so I'm go fight with her no matter the out come. It got to be someone in this world along with god to help us with our situation. So need to raise the money for traveling and research expenses. And the procedures are very costly, any donation will help the cause. Thanks for taking the time to read this if you did read it. And if you can tell the next person about Research for Serenity. Thanks again