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Save the Jersey Shore from this harmful Tax!

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We are so close to correcting the Transient Tax!

On June 20th, bill S-3158 was PASSED UNANIMOUSLY by the State Senate. The bill currently awaits "concurrence" in the Assembly which is scheduled for June 27th. Once the Assembly approves the Senate's language, the bills will be identical and head to the Governor's desk. 

We are SO CLOSE, but we are almost out of funds. We are unable to meet our June expenses and will need to continue our lobbying efforts in the State Treasury even once the bill is signed into law. We NEED to meet our funding goal by June 30th in order to keep working on your behalf.


The Coalition originally budgeted for the legislative process to run through March. However, the state moves more slowly than expected and the timeline on this legislation has increased. The NJSRC has been operating without funds and has reached what is now the most crucial time in this legislative process. The NJSRC needs additional funds in order to pay the public affairs firm that was hired when this fight began. We need to keep the pressure on our legislators to get this bill passed and we cannot do so without their involvement. Contributions are needed from rental home owners, renters and shore business owners, so that The Coalition can continue to fight on behalf of everyone negatively impacted by this tax.  

If you've already given, please consider giving again. If you haven't made a donation yet, please take the time to do so today. If you know other owners or renters who want to save our Shore towns from this harmful tax, please ask them to make a donation.  In addition, the tax on Vacation Rentals will have a big impact on local businesses. If visitors to the Jersey Shore are forced to pay hundreds of dollars to the State or to local Realtors, that is money that won't be spent at local businesses this and every Summer. The Coalition is looking for local businesses who recognize this threat to their bottom line to help sponsor our campaign. All sponsoring businesses will be acknowledged on our "sponsors" page at as well as have their pages "Liked" and acknowledged by our page on Facebook.

Thank you for your support.

NJ Shore Rentals Coalition, A NJ Nonprofit Corporation - 501(c)6

NOTE about "tipping": We've had some questions regarding the whole "tipping" part of the donation process. GoFundMe used to charge a fee to collect donations but have switched to a "tipping" model. It can be a little heavy-handed unfortunately. If you do NOT want to include a "tip" follow these steps:

1. Simply enter the amount of your donation at the top
2. On the line where it says "Thank you for including a tip of:"  select "Other" from the dropdown menu. 
3. Enter $0.00 in the tip box below and you won't be charged anything above the amount of your donation.

If you would prefer to contribute by check, you can mail donations to:

NJ Shore Rentals Coalition
P.O. Box 2265
Long Beach Township, NJ 08008

Contact us:

email: [email editado]

Original Campaign Message

Help us eliminate the tax on vacation rentals at The Shore

We are a group of concerned New Jersey Vacation Home Owners who have formed the "NJ Shore Rentals Coalition", a registered Non-profit corporation seeking to repeal the taxes on Shore Rentals. And we need your help.
Back in July, New Jersey passed several new taxes as part of the budget approval process. The most problematic of those is the application of both Sales & Occupancy taxes on Vacation Rentals. As of October 1st, Vacation rentals are now subject to a total of 11.625% in taxes.  Some municipalities add their own Occupancy Taxes that can bring the total tax rate on rentals to 13.625%!

These increased rental costs will undoubtedly cut into every traveler's vacation budget. At best, vacationers will spend LESS money at the Jersey Shore. At worst, they may choose to vacation elsewhere and spend NO money at the Jersey Shore. This would be devastating to the local economy as vacationers stop spending money at local businesses that depend on seasonal income from visitors to the shore.

Thankfully there is hope. Assembly Bill A-4520 and Senate Bill S-3133 have been introduced in the legislature. These bills call for a REAL “shore rental” exception to the current tax law. Both bills have been moved to committee, but it will take time and effort to keep them moving forward. While we are volunteering our time, we need financial assistance to pay for some professional services. We have retained the services of an Attorney and a Public Affairs counsel to help us navigate through the legislative process. So far they have been a tremendous asset in advancing our campaign and guiding us through each step along the way.   In addition to retaining these professionals, we will incur other expenses that we need to be able to cover to keep this fight going.. 

Unfortunately, guiding legislation through the NJ Senate & Assembly is not a quick or easy process. We have launched this campaign to raise money to fund these efforts over the next several months. Even getting these bills on a "fast track" would at BEST get them on the Governor's desk at the end of December. As such, we need to make sure our campaign is funded through at least February so that we can keep constant attention on these bills until the day they are signed into law.

We need your help!
We are confident that we can get this tax repealed before it does any harm to the Jersey Shore economy, but we need your help to make sure. We have been asking owners, renters and small businesses to call their representatives to support these bills, but now we need some financial support. We are asking everyone to contribute to this cause and to help save the NJ Shore so that we can all enjoy it for years to come.

Thank you,

NJ Shore Rentals Coalition, A NJ Nonprofit Corporation - 501(c)6



  • Laurie Buck
    • $100 
    • 5 yrs


The NJSR Coalition
Long Beach Township, NJ

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