Ravensbourne Holiday Funds
You can make a difference by donating today to RAVENSBOURNE PROJECT.
We are The Ravensbourne Project. We're a small charity that offers overnight respite and a daycare centre to special needs children in our community. We offer them a safe and fun environment to play and socialise with one another on weekends and school holidays. We are raising funds to give families living with complex needs an opportunity to access short breaks in a rural location at a minimal financial cost.
“Our mission is to provide families across our community with an additional need, to have access to holidays/short breaks in a rural, safe environment. This is increasingly more important in a poor economic climate where such breaks can be inaccessible for families.”
The funds will be used to give our families access to the holiday home we have purchased and help support the running cost to keep it. By doing this we can offer our families the home at a discounted rate so they don't have to suffer the financial burden of having a family holiday by the sea.
Ravensbourne project