Random Acts of Repair
What is Random Acts of Repair?
HandyMania’s Random Acts of Repair program helps people receive the home and community small repair services they need, even if they are unable to pay. We have been blessed to be able to fund a number of Random Acts of Repair ourselves, but there are so many more people we want to be able to help.
How can I help?
There are three ways you can support the Random Acts of Repair Program:
1. Donate through GoFundMe and help fund a Random Act of Repair! Every penny helps us fix more things and help more people.
2. Are you handy and want to volunteer your services? Reach out to us! There’s a nifty Contact button below or you can visit our website and send us a contact form.(www.GoHandyMania.com)
3. Spread the word. Help us reach even more people with this program by sharing the details with as many people as you can. Together our small repairs can make a big difference.
Could you or someone you know use a Random Act of Repair?
Let us know by clicking the Contact button below, or you can fill out the contact form on our website, www.GoHandyMania.com