Protect Farm Field Workers
It’s time we acknowledge our essential workers on the field and in the farms. As they supply our food every day and go unnoticed in the dark smoke. The conditions these workers are in are unacceptable considering the pandemic the heat and now the fire smoke. But regardless of the conditions they show up every day for us. So it’s time to show up for them. When we went out there to ask them what we could help with their first response was they needed basic school supplies for their children. We were shook by this response, how is it that our essential workers don’t have enough money for basic educational supplies as we enter a school year of distance learning. These farm workers are more concerned about the school year coming up as they can’t be there for there children because they are at work feeding the nation. But for people that care so much about others, who is going to care about them? WE ARE. If this system doesn’t care, WE DO. And if we have to stand as a community to make a difference where it counts, WE WILL. You see even if these farm workers prefer the funds go to their childrens education, we still need these workers to be protected. We need to protect our farm field workers. We have gotten news that some of these employers are not supplying their workers with protective working equipment as they continue working in this hazardous smoke from the nearby fires. More than ever we need to stand up for those serving our community. Migrant workers should receive higher wages and better working conditions as they are essential.
This fundraiser was created by Flor Martinez, animmigrant rights activists who herself worked asa farm worker before she qualified for DACA.
Flor has multiple contacts in the agricultural community and is able to direct these funds directly to farm supervisors by transportation vehicles to the farm sites and have distribution by volunteers.
These funds along with the additional Venmo funds will divided in half between the farm workers protection and the farm workers children school supplies.
Funds will be withdrawn into the non-profit The Celebration Foundation, where all masks and school supplies are bought electronically with clear transaction receipts posted on the website coming soon.
The people benefiting from this fundraiser is farmworkers and farm workers children, Flor is able to distribute supplies directly to her wide set of contacts who trust her enough to show up to these farms and fields.