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Project Paw Paw Brown

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Our community shares the passion of being stewards of the beloved truck and wants to give back. Recently, Georgia Broncos was made aware of an ad placed for the sale of a 1969 Bronco that had an intriguing story. Remembered by family as a true Patriot that loved family and country, Mr. Phillip "Paw Paw Brown" also was a Bronco enthusiast. His family said they have very fond memories with their father/grandfather and his beloved Bronco. It was his dream to fully restore the '69 to its original glory and to have his family be able to continue the love and appreciation of his treasured vehicle. Unfortunately, he passed before accomplishing this dream and the Bronco was left sitting alone and abandoned behind the family home. With deep regret and angst, the family of Mr. Brown realized their lack of resources and knowledge to continue the restoration dream and came to the difficult decision to sell it in hopes that it would go to an individual who would love and appreciate it as much as "Paw Paw Brown." Upon hearing this story, the Georgia Bronco Community couldn't let this happen. It is with honor and excitement that we can let the world know that we are going to make sure this Bronco stays where it belongs, in the family. The Georgia Broncos Community Group and Partners have rallied to help this family bring Mr. Brown's Bronco back to life. It is our hope you all follow along on this awesome journey of restoration of the Brown Family Bronco over the next several months and to hand back over the keys to family during the 2023 Super Celebration East in Townsend, TN next April.

More details to come.

If you have interest of being a sponsor of project Paw Paw Brown, please feel to email Georgia Broncos

Follow the build on the Georgia Broncos YouTube Chanel.


  • Carl Barrett
    • 15 $ 
    • 4 Mo
  • Joshua Elisa
    • 20 $ 
    • 9 Mo
  • Jason Henline
    • 69 $ 
    • 1 Jahr
  • Monroe Carpenter
    • 100 $ 
    • 1 Jahr
  • Thomas Pettengill
    • 30 $ 
    • 2 Jahre


Brian LaFLuer
Cumming, GA

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt