Project Christmas; Families in Need- 2021
Project Christmas NJ (www.ProjectChristmasNJ) is in our SIXTH YEAR serving families across South Jersey in need at the holidays. Even during the pandemic, with our fearless leader 6 months pregnant, and unable to have volunteer help because 4/5th of our family was high risk... we STILL managed to help over 100 kids who wouldn't have had a Christmas without us!
Now we're all vaccinated- the baby is here and healthy, and we're all looking forward to a happy, healthy Christmas 2021!
Every year, we take applications - from police officers, social workers, teachers, family members- people who know kids who genuinely NEED a happy holiday. And every year, we do everything possible to bring it to them- we provide families with coats & winter gear, clothing, baby supplies, food- and of course, Christmas decor, gift wrap & supplies as well as all the gifts for these kids.... Allowing parents to focus on keeping a roof over their heads without allowing the kids' holiday to suffer.
Starting with just one family back in 2015- our community has stepped up EVERY YEAR, getting bigger and better- providing more, and for more families. We're so thrilled to be able to provide a safe and happy holiday for so many, and we can only do it because of you!
While our family provides all operational costs for the Project (printing and delivering flyers to area neighborhoods & events, picking up and delivering donations to families, etc)- we DO need help with purchasing gifts and supplies (cleaning products, paper products, etc) for the families we assist. Every year, as the holiday approaches, we dip into the donations to pick up whatever remaining items haven't been covered by physical donations.
We hope that you'll consider helping Project Christmas - we're a small, family run, holiday charity- but we have six years of transparent operation and our goal has never changed; give Christmas to kids who wouldn't otherwise have one.
This year, we're opening donations early. Why?
Because each season, there are a lot of requests from kids for toys that are HARD TO GET. Every season, we have to work extra hard to get those "must have" toys that kids will be heartbroken to miss out on. Lol Surprise, Lego, Video Games, CocoMelon, Squishmallows... There are always new HOT toys and they are harder and harder to get as we get closer to the holidays.
Since July, August and September are HOT months for clearancing out toys as stores get new stock for Christmas- we want to be able to hunt down some of the seasons hottest toys BEFORE they are sold out and prices skyrocket.
If you want to make a BIG difference in a kids' life this season- please - consider making an earlier donation, so we can pick up some of the seasons hottest toys to bring BIG JOY this holiday season.
We're also opening donation drop off SEPTEMBER 1ST for the following items;
-LED lighting kits, Ring Lights & Digital Cameras
-Laptops, Webbooks & Ipads/Tablets
-Cocomelon toys
-LOL Surprise, Rainbow High & OMG Dolls
- Video Games; (Nintendo Switch (Light) & games for PS4 & PS5, Switch, Nintendo DS or XBox1X &)
- Gift cards for Amazon/ Roblox/Fortnight
(This isn't an exhaustive list, we'll be back adding to it)
Thank you so much for your continued assistance with helping us reach our goal- to serve as many South Jersey families in need as we possibly can, each holiday season. And I'm sure, with the events of 2020 & 2021- we'll have more kids in need than ever before. :-/