Preserve Barclay
We love our neighborhood, where young children bike to swim clubs and walk to school, neighbors enjoy community gardens, families plant deep roots and thrive in a safe, walkable, quiet and low-traffic community. With a Wawa service station planned in the Barclay Farms Shopping Center, our quality of life, property values, health and well-being are all about to change.
A super Wawa operates 24/7/365, bringing traffic, light and noise pollution to our neighborhood. Gasoline tankers, delivery trucks, trash haulers & dumpsters; hazardous conditions, constant congestion, illuminated signs and cut-through traffic will be the new normal, unless we join forces and take a stand for community-based planning and zoning.
The NJ Supreme Court has stated that the preservation of the character of a neighborhood and conservation of neighborhood values are still proper zoning purposes. Let's hold Cherry Hill to this standard and Preserve Barclay Farm.
We are a non-partisan volunteer group of neighbors banding together to fundraise, organize, and put a stop to this. Every dollar you donate will be applied toward the retained Land Use Attorney and other hard costs associated with this important fight. Donors will be kept up to date here, on Facebook and Instagram , and on our website www.preservebarclay.com
Look for calls to action coming your way soon!