Permanent & Safe housing for Black Femme & Kids
We are raising money to secure permanent and secure housing for B*(this person is remaining anonymous for safety reasons having to do with domestic abuse) and her 3 children. B* is a black femme and lives in Ohio. She gave birth to her third child just a couple of days ago and is currently staying in a hotel until she can find better housing for her and her family away from their abuser.
The $20,000 will help secure a new apartment, make sure they can continue to keep up on payments, buy food and baby supplies, keep their car working, and just to support their family in general.
The dream would be for them to be able to buy a home but because of bad credit, this is not possible. If we are able to raise these funds and also find them a co-signer, this family would be able to buy a permanent home for themselves and once again feel safe.
Please donate and share!
B* and her babies are in an apartment & paying off bills & trying to remain safe. We have doubled the goal because of surprise expenses that have made it so we’re not yet able to start saving money but living bit by bit. B* cousin is also in need ofhelp and some of the money will be going to her as well and that is also why we upped the goal!