Parkers Medical/Travel Expenses
Sweet Parker Holowell is a 2 year old little boy with congenital heart disease. In his short life, he has undergone a series of 3 open heart surgeries for correction of his heart defects. A serious complication has developed from his last surgery in October 2016. His physicians at Arkansas Children’s Hospital have begun the process of sending him for an experimental treatment at CHOP (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia). If CHOP deems him a good candidate for the procedure and agrees to accept him as a patient, they will be traveling to Philadelphia from Arkansas within the next week or so. Parker will have to be Med-Flighted. If they do not accept him, Parker will be placed on a heart transplant list. As you can imagine, there will be many expenses associated with travel, missed time from work, and Parker’s care in the upcoming weeks. We would like to bless his mom and dad, Dalton and Savannah Holowell, with financial support during this trying time. Your donations would be greatly appreciated. More than anything, they desire your prayers for Mr. Parker.