Oppose Massive Milton Megachurch
The city of Milton has accepted an application from the Salvation Slavic Baptist Church to construct a massive 92,000 square foot church with a 2,000-person sanctuary, 7,500 square foot gym, a 30-classroom school, a ball field, and 546 parking spaces located at 1707 23rd Avenue (Pierce County parcel no. 0420043007). This property is presently a hay field with a red house and is zoned residential single family.
Citizens of Milton would like to hire an attorney to appeal the city’s decision and NEED YOUR HELP to pay the attorney’s fees to draft the appeal and attend the public hearing.
The funds are needed as soon as possible. If the church is allowed to build as presently proposed, all citizens of Milton, Edgewood, and Fife will suffer its consequences. The traffic, noise, light, water, safety, and wildlife impacts will not be confined to the neighborhood surrounding the construction.
Supporting this effort takes as little as $5. Hiring an attorney will help us ensure Milton’s character is preserved and gives us a reasonably good shot at overturning the city’s approval.
Thank you, neighbors!