Nice News’ March 2024 Cause of the Month
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March is Women’s History Month, so Nice News’ Cause of the Month is highlighting an organization that, as you can see in the photo above, has been on a mission to support women for quite awhile.
In 1858, nearly 15 years after the YMCA was established, the YWCA came about. Since then, it’s been working toward the goals of eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for everyone through three main areas of focus: racial justice and civil rights; empowerment and economic advancement; and health and safety.
That last focus area is particularly essential: As the largest network of domestic violence service providers in the U.S., YWCA is committed to supporting survivors and reducing violence against women and girls. Nearly 1 million women and families participate in the nonprofit’s health and safety programs each year, which include everything from domestic violence and sexual assault services to physical fitness.
One hundred percent of the proceeds from this fundraiser will go directly to YWCA. You can click here to find your local YWCA chapter, and here to learn more about what the organization does to help women and girls around the country.
More about Nice News : Nice News is an email series and website that curates positive news. We send uplifting stories to subscribers’ inboxes each morning featuring significant innovations, advancements in health and wellness, everyday heroes, and more.
Photo Credit: Bettmann /Getty Images
Nice News
Mountain View, CA
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