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Newburgh Action Group Christmas Lights Appeal 21

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Twenty months after the Pandemic started in 2020, we still have not been able to do our usual fundraising, we were overwhelmed by the support and generosity we received from doing our first Go Fund Me campaign last year.

The community of Newburgh has always come together to help raise the funds for our unique Christmas lights display, the last twenty months has been made more difficult by the pandemic that is still affecting our daily lives. On the other hand as a community it has made us far more determined to show what the true meaning of community spirt is at Christmas time. This was very evident last year after our first successful Go Fund Me campaign that brought the attention of the Media from all over the UK and the World, we definitely put our small Scottish town on the map.

The Christmas lights have always brought a brightness to the town over the dark midwinter nights, it is so nice to see them every year and they lighten up everybody’s day whilst also bringing its usual sparkle to the town, with eighteen of the lights being designed by children from the local primary school in a competition that started in 2002. After a suggestion made by a member of the community, the committee decided that the competition this year would have two Christmas lights one Christmas themed for 2021 and one to reflect on 2020 as there was no light that year due to Covid 19.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, any donations you can make will be gratefully received.

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Helen Adams (Treasurer) NAG

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