My daughter, Rhianna Bittner, due to car accident
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Hello. I am asking for any financial help to be had for my daughter, Rhianna Bittner. Her story follows. The bottom line of the story is her family has provided all the assistance we are able to at this time, and any help would be so very welcome and appreciated! Rhianna was the victim of a terrible car accident on March 20, 2021 at 8 am on a Saturday Morning. The accident included a stolen SUV, with the owner of the vehicle chasing the thief in another SUV, and the Billings Police Dept also in pursuit all while the owner of the stolen vehicle was on the phone with 911. The accident occurred on the corner of Yellowstone and 3rd St. W. Rhianna was going north on 3rd St. W. She heard sirens and fully stopped at Yellowstone, which is an uncontrolled intersection. She looked to the right, no one coming, looked to the left, no one coming, looked to the right again, no one, so she started into the intersection and was struck on her driver's side by the stolen SUV at a speed around 60 to 70 miles an hour. The thief was never caught. Her car was flung into the light pole on her rear passenger side that twisted the vehicle and the contents of her car were strewed across the lawn. The light pole was knocked over and had to be replaced. She was unconscious and awoken by an officer. She was smashed to the passenger side of the car, and they had to cut the car open to get her out. The scene was never investigated. She spent the next 14 days in the hospital suffering from a fractured spine from L1-L5. The impact to her left side caused so much internal damage that it is still healing to this day. She also had a ruptured spleen that flooded her body. They removed the blood from her body, and put coils on her spleen to hold it together. They then gave her 4 blood transfusions, one of which she had a reaction to that caused ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome) and TRALI (transfusion-related acute lung injury) which are both extremely rare and have a high mortality rate of 50-60%. This then caused her to be put in ICU where she died twice and was finally stabilized and put into an induced coma/paralisation, intubated, and tied to the bed. Her surgeon said that he has never seen someone work so hard to come back to life. I prayed for her to come back to me on my birthday, March 31, and she did wake up on my birthday!and was pulled out of intubation on April 1st and put into a regular room until April 4th when she begged to be let to go home. The last 2 1/2 years have not been kind to her. She has major trauma, acute PTSD, has fluid pocket cysts on her spleen that will take years to conclude, and suffers at a level 7-8 pain constantly from the back and knee injuries. She has had to endure the recovery of atrophy which is extreme. She jokes that she is 2 1/2 years old because she had to basically relearn how to properly gain strength and use her muscles and is finally gaining her muscles and stamina back. She
is going to counseling, taking meds (not pain pills, too sensitive) giving herself physical therapy at home through her gardening, and is finally scheduled for back surgery on the 18th, and a knee MRI on the 17th. It has been nearly impossible for her to return to work as she has been severely limited and never knows from day to day what her pain level or physical capabilities will be. She has been denied for assistance numerous times including being denied for food stamps, TANF and recently receiving
a letter that her Medicaid has been closed for reasons not understood. She has requested a hearing on those things. She has taken out loans, borrowed money, and sold everything of value that she owned except her vehicles, which wasn't much as she is quite the minimalist. The small amount of money received from insurance was used to purchase a vehicle, catch up on bills, and catch up on food storage which is depleted now and her family has been making her raid their food storage. All options have been exhausted that she can think of. She is now facing eviction, all utilities to be disconnected and is behind on everything. Her entire life has been completely turned upside down through no fault of
her own, and due to the negligence of multiple parties with no one taking responsibility. She is fighting hard to keep her independence and livelihood and move forward not backwards, and continues to strive to get her life back. This case is still in a pending lawsuit. The lawyer situation has been difficult, hard to find and keep someone willing to work the case thoroughly with any follow through due to the complexity of the case. Anyone that knows Rhianna knows that she is an extremely hard worker and is doing everything that she can to heal mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. She is hoping to return to work 1-2 days a week and work her way up after her back surgery. However, even after she returns to work it is going to take her months and months to catch up.
We are asking for help but also anyone with information about this accident to contact us about what you know.
Thank you for reading this! With yours and God's help perhaps she can find a little financial relief!
Cat McShane
Billings Metropolitan Area, MT