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Mission Trip to Feed Orphans in India

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My fiance Nelis and I are going on a mission trip to feed children in different parts of India from November 14-21st, 2019. We fly into New Delhi, then go to Gwalior and Shivpuri. We are going on this mission trip and plan on feeding entire villages where most of kids are orphans, lack adequate medical care, education and clean water. I have attached a video for you to watch and attached some photos of the environments that exist in these remote places.

In America we are so fortunate and often don’t realize how lucky we all are even in tough times. This is not a religious trip and is truly a humanitarian effort. This money will be used for the families and children; In addition, Nelis and I are not using any of these funds for anything related to our own needs or costs. We are paying our own way so you don't have to worry about the money going outside the cause. We need to raise about $10,000-$15,000 dollars and any donation would be helpful. It really doesn’t matter how much you give, but the fact you are helping I am sure will bring great Karma to you and your family. I will send lots of pictures and videos from the trip.

This is our first of many planned trips and feel very blessed and fortunate that we can help create a better world for the less fortunate. It's time to spend more time helping others who truly can benefit from our time, effort and money. During this trip, we will assess what type of educational and medical services are needed and will expand this into a much larger project, by bringing physicians and surgeons and other resources on future trips. Historically we have always given to charities but never had direct involvement. We expect this trip to have a ripple effect by changing not only lives in India but in the US as well.

God bless all of you!

David & Nelis


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    • $315 
    • 5 yrs


David Helfman
Atlanta, GA

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