Lorenzo Vasquez and Family
Lorenzo's family wants to thank everyone who has reached out to our family for the support and the prayers during this horrific time. Lorenzo was hit by a drunk driver this last Saturday July 4th while on his Harley Davidson motorcycle. My brother has suffered a broken femur, ankle, and foot and has had to go through three blood transfusions and possibly will need more. Lorenzo has had his first major surgery that required a metal rod to be placed from his hip to his knee, and he will be having a second surgery in about a week or two to repair the severely broken bones in his ankle and foot, which too will require more metal rods and screws. Because of the extent of his injuries he will need to learn how to walk again. Lorenzo is the sole provider for his family, as his wife is a stay at home mom. He has a very long road ahead of him and it is expected that he will be in the Hospital and have to go through Rehabilitation for the next 4-6 Months. We are asking for all the support we can get to help his wife and family out during this time. The money raised will go twords helping pay their bills as he is not able to work. Lorenzo always enjoyed riding his bike, and anyone who has had the opportunity to ride with him, hang with him and even know him and have him as a friend, knows he will give you the shirt off his back and run to help any one who is in need. We as his family and on behalf if him are now asking for everyone who can, to be there for him. Anything and everything helps, we Thank you and God bless you. We will keep updates on his recovery as time goes on.
Feel free to reach out to Mykkielynn Leal or Carol Vasquez for other donations.