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Life Without Barriers Flood Fundraiser

Along with many other Australians, over 250 carers, staff, and people we support in Life Without Barriers have been severely impacted by the recent floods. This includes 15 people who have lost their homes. Life Without Barriers is raising funds to help each of these individuals and has pledged to match all donations dollar to dollar, with a fundraising target of $40,000.

The stories are truly harrowing. One Life Without Barriers staff member had to swim out of their bedroom window to escape the flood and has lost everything. Carers who are providing homes for children in care have been displaced and lost vehicles, property and, in some cases, their homes.

Life Without Barriers Chief Executive Claire Robbs says, “There are many people in our Life Without Barriers community who are affected by severe flooding along the northeast coast of Queensland and New South Wales, including staff, carers and people we support. These are some of the worst floods seen on record, with heavy rains and flooding still occurring in Northern NSW.

"Now is a time to wrap support around each and every person we know who has been affected. Our staff and carers give themselves daily through their work to care for others, and we need to make sure they are supported.

"In addition, we have people we support who are already vulnerable in our community and who are now facing the extensive loss of property. We hope this fundraising effort will restore some of what has been lost and show our community how important they are.”

We know many people have already donated to help flood victims, we are asking for help for the Life Without Barriers community. Please help us help those who need support.


  • Amanda Krause
    • $50 
    • 2 yrs
  • Malcolm Price
    • $500 
    • 2 yrs
  • Kathryn Woods
    • $20 
    • 2 yrs
  • Annette Powton
    • $200 
    • 2 yrs
  • Lara Borrow
    • $100 
    • 2 yrs


Alex Garas
Bar Beach NSW
Life Without Barriers

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