Beauty for Ashes-Let's Advocate Together
Donation protected
Childhood and early adult traumas nearly destroyed me. I was just like so many people in the world who felt all alone, defeated, unloved, and bound to generational cycles with no one to turn to. But then one day while at my lowest, I found the strength to replant my feet and I set out on my joruney to my new beginnings. I'm finally living in my purpose and on a mission to advocate and motivate as many people as I can. I've started a advocacy campaign, with the goal of being the voice for anyone who feels they have lost theirs. With your contributions I will be one step closer to providing services and support to those in need. I want to be for others what I desperately needed during my hard times, but never received. I want to be the light for that young child who simply deserves to know what it's like to just be a kid, worry free. I want to be that breath of fresh air for that young woman whose feeling suffocated. I want to be that fresh start for that young man who just needs a boost. Lets advocate
"Beauty for Ashes".
- Isaiah 61:1-3
Falin Daniels
Venus, TX