Leicester Royal Infirmary
Hi my name is Oscar Harrison I am 4 years old.
I am doing the 5km Great Eastern run with my Daddy to raise as much money as we can for the amazing doctors and nurses who cared for me when I was born in the special care baby unit at Leicesters Royal Infirmary Hospital.
I was born with a condition called Klinefelter syndrome which inhibited my development in the womb. Due to the development issues caused by Klinefelter syndrome l, I had to have an operation whilst still in my mummy’s womb, an operation to give me a chance of life. Once born I was immediately placed in NICU at the Royal Infirmary Hospital Leicester. These doctors and nurses are the reason I am here today. They called me a miracle baby!
I have various development issues such as Autism and I struggle to communicate. But I’m trying my best and day by day I’m getting there!
I now want to give back to the people that looked after me, the people that enabled my mummy and daddy to take me home. These people I can’t thank enough. This is why at 4 years old I’m doing the 5km great eastern run in Peterborough in October.

Selina Harrison
Leicester Hospitals Charity