Keeping UNITY in the Summit CommUNITY
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The little Other Fellow First Foundation assists Summit Families in distress. Over the last twenty years, we have responded to many community challenges.
We have never faced one like this before and we need your help!
The effects of Corona virus are straining our community resources and may ultimately be devastating to many of us, our neighbors and friends. We know that early and aggressive measures will help soften the blow.
With that in mind, the Other Fellow First Foundation is working closely with Mayor Nora Radest to identify local organizations that provide life sustaining services to the neediest of our community.
They include:
1. SAGE Eldercare's Meals on Wheels program - which provides a vital link to many of our community's vulnerable and lonely elderly members.
2. Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad - who are always there when you need them. The Squad has many needs right now and is making the best of a tough situation.
3. Summit's food assistance programs (GRACE, SHIP, Loaves and Fishes) - that serve the hungry in our community need us more than ever.
We cannot rely on Federal or State "safety nets." We must act on our own and act now.
To that end, we commit today to donate $25,000 to this effort and hope that our neighbors will join us too.
Time and time again, Summit has proven itself to be a small city with a huge heart. We steadfastly believe our community is up to the challenge.
Other Fellow First Foundation
We have never faced one like this before and we need your help!
The effects of Corona virus are straining our community resources and may ultimately be devastating to many of us, our neighbors and friends. We know that early and aggressive measures will help soften the blow.
With that in mind, the Other Fellow First Foundation is working closely with Mayor Nora Radest to identify local organizations that provide life sustaining services to the neediest of our community.
They include:
1. SAGE Eldercare's Meals on Wheels program - which provides a vital link to many of our community's vulnerable and lonely elderly members.
2. Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad - who are always there when you need them. The Squad has many needs right now and is making the best of a tough situation.
3. Summit's food assistance programs (GRACE, SHIP, Loaves and Fishes) - that serve the hungry in our community need us more than ever.
We cannot rely on Federal or State "safety nets." We must act on our own and act now.
To that end, we commit today to donate $25,000 to this effort and hope that our neighbors will join us too.
Time and time again, Summit has proven itself to be a small city with a huge heart. We steadfastly believe our community is up to the challenge.
Other Fellow First Foundation
Other Fellow First Foundation
Summit, NJ
Community Foundation of New Jersey