Judicial Review of 630 Boynton Development Permit
Donation protected
On August 23, City Council voted to approve a massive four-story apartment complex at 630 Boynton Pl. This approval came in the face of numerous, legitimate concerns being raised by residents in the neighbourhood and beyond. Some of those concerns included lack of compliance with the zoning bylaw, failure to request all of the required variances, improper determination of site coverage and building height requirements, impacts on the local community including traffic, parking, safety, natural hazards, form and character, and environmental sensitivity.
Since City Council’s decision, members of our neighbourhood have reached out to local legal counsel to obtain advice on our options. If we want to challenge the City decision, our recourse is to seek a judicial review. This means applying to a judge to set aside the City Council‘s decision and sending it back with directions on how to properly consider the development permit application and development variance permit application.
For us to pursue judicial review, we will need to raise money as a community for the legal fees and expenses associated. We know a lot of you are disappointed and want to hold the City accountable for this misguided decision and make sure that Meridian is following the rules. Please consider donating to the GoFundMe at the link below. Any amounts raised over and above the legal expenses, will be donated to a local charity. If for some reason we cannot pursue the judicial review, we will return your donation (less the transaction cost GoFundMe charged at the time of your donation and any legal fees we have incurred to date).
Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Murray Porubanec
Kelowna, BC