My 14 yr old brother needs help with legal fees
Dear friends and family,
I come to you with a heavy heart. My fourteen-year-old brother, Ryan Bell, needs your help. In April, he was arrested and charged with armed robbery, among othercharges.
Based on what was shared with me by my stepmom, she found Ryan with her gun to his head. Ryan was upset, inconsolable, and afraid. It’s clear to me he was havinga mental health crisis. Ryan refused to give her the gun and subsequently took her car.
Fearing for his safety and others, my stepmom went to the police. Ryan returned home and was arrested. Ryan did not do more than take the gun and car. No one was harmed. No one else was involved. My stepmom does not support this case against him. Ryan was charged with felony armed robbery and faces 20yrs in prison. Due to COVID, the justice system is basically running like a slow drip and cases are not getting the attention as they should.
Ryan has been locked up since April without a bail bond hearing. The Clayton Co District Attorney in GA is playing games with his life. She wants my brother for 20years.
Ryan has a history of mental health challenges and is on medication. They will not allow him access to his treatment team and will not consider releasing him to inpatient treatment.
He needs our help. I believe the public defenders on his case are not sufficient to help this poor child. His life matters and in order to get him adequate representation, he needs $5000 by August 31st for a retainer. I am sure the costs will be greater, but this is where we can start.
His mom works two jobs and cares for my two siblings.
You know I wouldn’t ask unless I had to. We need to get attention on this case and the injustices of the system. #BlackLivesMatter