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Jacob Raynor Eagle Scout Project

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My name is Jacob Raynor and I am a Life Scout from Troop 161 in Shoreham, New York.  Scouting has been a part of my life since I was six years old when I began as a Tiger Cub Scout.  I have worked my way through the Boy Scouts program learning valuable outdoor, life and leadership skills.  I am currently working on Scouting's highest achievement, the rank of Eagle Scout.  Please take some time read about my project and consider supporting me for this endeavor.  Maybe you could even share it with your friends!

My Eagle Scout project is for the benefit of St. John the Baptist R.C.  Church in Wading River.  I have chosen St. John the Baptist for my project as it has been an integral part of my life from baptism, communion and confirmation to present day.

My project will be to beautify and improve the landscaping of the lower parking lot at St. John the Baptist church, making it more inviting for the Church congregation.  The scope is to restore the parking lot perimeter with new shrub and perennial plantings, relocate a section of the street guard rail to align parking lot opening up with an existing crosswalk to the church, paint the guard rail, and create a Virgin Mary statue garden.  The project will cost approximately $5,000.00

I need your help to make this project become a reality.  To complete the Eagle Scout project, scouts attempt to find donations from their communities.  Any donation to this project will be extremely helpful and very much appreciated by the Church.  All unused funds will go directly back to the church.  Thank you for any help you can give to make my project a reality.


  • Lorraine Romard
    • 75 $ 
    • 6 Jahre

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Lawrence Raynor
Calverton, NY
Moira Raynor

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