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IVF- Sean & Michele Gill

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Thank you for visiting our page! Each of us have shared about our fertility journey  below.

From Sean:

So, If you know me, you probably know that I’m not shy about sharing my childhood cancer story. I’ve always said that having cancer has made me a stronger person because if I beat cancer then I can beat anything! 

That’s kind of been my life’s code. Well, apparently, chemotherapy can have some long term effects and originally Michele and I weren’t sure if having children was an option. Fortunately, through a lot of prayer and what I truly feel is a miracle, it is possible for us to do IVF. 

The process can range from $25-$30k. We have been blessed but even with the substantial amount we have saved, we are short. I have faith that no matter what happens there will be little Gills running around in the future. If you would like to contribute to our journey toward starting a family, feel free to visit our Gofundme page. Thank you for you support! 

From Michele:

Dear family and friends, 

We have been on a fertility journey for a few years. Throughout this time, the reality of having biological children was becoming more and more dim. A procedure was completed about a month ago that would determine if IVF was even an option, which would be our only avenue for having biological children. Basically, this was our last hope. Our doctor said we had a 5% chance and to not get our hopes up. By the grace and faithfulness of God, we beat the 5%! All glory to Him! It was truly a miracle. We were and are in shock, in awe, and excited! Honestly, we are just floored and gushing with thankfulness to God!!  

What does this mean? We can now do IVF. We were in crisis, on an emotional roller coaster, trusting and believing in God, leaning on community, and then suddenly everything changed. My pastor preached a message at the beginning of the summer called “The Suddenly of Delay” about how you can be in the middle of crisis and suddenly God changes everything. That is what happened- suddenly everything has changed! 

Even though we have breakthrough, the journey is still not over. We have been waiting for a while to have a baby and the wait is still not over. We have more tests and will have many more procedures throughout the IVF process. Please keep us in your prayers. Specifically, we need prayer for peace (no fear), several healthy embryos, successful implantation, and for my back (bulging disc that causes sciatica at times), a healthy pregnancy and baby and for financial provision. We NEED and cherish your prayers!! Without prayer, we would not have gotten to this point. It means so much to us to know that people are praying for us- THANK YOU!! 

The last section is a little more difficult to write as it is vulnerability at its finest. Our total cost for the IVF process will be around $30K due to our specific fertility circumstances. We need about $15K more to have a baby via IVF. We have been saving and will continue to do so, but we wanted to share this need with our family and friends to allow an avenue to be a part of our journey. We feel that setting up this account is a way to allow our community to invest in our journey and future family. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts in advance for your contribution!!! It means a great deal to us!!! 

We cherish and value your prayers and support during this time!!! Thank you so much! 

“For this child I have prayed and the Lord answered my prayer. “ 1 Samuel 1:27


  • Connie James
    • $100 
    • 5 yrs


Michele J. Gill
Orangevale, CA

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